New Post Email Notifications: This is only a test…

Good Morning, Readers,

Over the past few weeks, I have received messages from several of you stating that you are no longer getting email notifications via WordPress when new articles are posted on the SWLing Post.

I have contacted support, and they believe they may have resolved the issue. I had the same issue with and it appears they have indeed fixed the issue.

If you subscribe to new posts via WordPress, could you please leave a comment to let me know if you received a notification about this post in your email inbox? I would especially appreciate feedback from those who haven’t been receiving emails recently but did receive this one.

Hopefully, the issue has been fixed. If not, we will continue to work with support to ensure everything is functioning properly soon.

Thank you,

Spread the radio love

52 thoughts on “New Post Email Notifications: This is only a test…

  1. Rick Moskovits VE1RNM

    Hi Thomas,
    I haven’t been receiving any qrp posts only the swl wrapup.
    But with all the damage that you sustained in that hurricane I thought you would have your hands full with remediation of your property and was taking a well deserved break from writing.
    I do want to thank you for all you do and the great articles.

    Rick VE1RNM

  2. Barry Bogart

    Getting them all, I believe. BTW I a very sorry about your hurricane damage. I lived in Raleigh when I studied EE.

  3. RadioVisie

    The last update via email we received before “This is only a test” was “KMTS Calling, KMTS Calling” on December 25, 2024.

  4. Guy Atkins

    Yes, I received this email after missing them for weeks from the SWLing Post. I thought it was something wrong with my own email account, lol.

    Thanks for your efforts to get it resolved, Thomas.

  5. Julian Stargardt

    Hi Thomas
    I haven’t received notifications for the past couple of weeks and put it down to the holiday season
    But perhaps it’s the new service – or is that dis-service?

  6. Ken Dillingham

    This is only a test! Thank you for what you do. I have been a CB Radio enthusiast since 1968. I was 12 years old. I turned 68 today January 21 1957. I listened to shortwave radio on an old Heath kit receiver. I still have it. I recently got a used Yaesu HF 840 radio. I’m enjoying the emails I get from your posts. I look forward to reading them all. Thank you. Ken Dillingham

  7. William, KR8L

    Yesterday I came across a reference to a recent post (the one about manuals), and while looking at that I realized that there must be a week or more of posts for which I had not received a notification. I assumed I must have done something to cause that, so I made a comment on the manuals post and checked both subscription options, hoping to reinstate my subscription to all posts.

  8. Richard Langley

    I did receive the e-mail test. I have been getting a virtually daily e-mail SWLing Post E-mail Digest as that was what, I believe, I originally signed up for. Last one received yesterday.

  9. Leon Webster

    I got this in Frigid Saint Paul, MN where the temp is -18 this morning. But looking at the recent posts list, I see that there are several I have missed.

  10. Nick

    I have not received any email notifications from SWLING for a long time. However, I did get this email this morning. Thank you.

  11. Owen Gallagher

    The last update via email I received before “This is only a test” was, Texas Radio Shortwave’s Christmas Programs (by Thomas on December 19, 2024)


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