Only moments after posting news that Andrew Lack may be leaving the BBG CEO position to rejoin NBC, the website BBG Watch has confirmed Lack’s departure.
Tag Archives: andy lack
Leaving so soon? The BBG may lose their new CEO, Andy Lack

Jeff Shell, Chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, congratulates Andy Lack after swearing him in as the first ever CEO of U.S. international media. (Image Source: BBG Press Release)
Many thanks to Dan Robinson, who shared links to several news stories that propose Andrew Lack may be leaving the CEO position of the Broadcasting Board of Governors to return to NBC.
Here’s a clip from the Washington Post:
Former NBC news president and former Bloomberg Media chairman Andy Lack, who was brought in to fix the perennially troubled U.S. international media operations, is leaving after just six weeks on the job.
[…] Lack is in negotiations with NBC News to return to a top job there, according to report Tuesday in Variety, the entertainment news publication, dashing the hopes of State Department and BBG officials who wanted the high-powered media executive to energize U.S. overseas media operations.
The negotiations were spurred, Variety noted, by the crisis set off at NBC News by the Brian Williams debacle and suspension.
So rather than right the ship at BBG — he had talked about growing the operation, not cutting it — Lack is apparently going off to right the other ship.”
Indeed, this story was featured in the following news sources:
If Andy does make the move, we’ll post an update.
Mother Jones takes a look at new BBG CEO Andy Lack
Mother Jones, a nonprofit news organization that specializes in investigative, political, and social justice reporting, recently published an article entitled, “Can the Guy Who Brought You “Friends” Win the Propaganda War Against ISIS and Putin?”
MJ Reporter, Jenna McLaughlin, takes a look at who Andrew Lack is and what he faces as he attempts to move the BBG in a positive direction.
Take note that former Voice of America Chief White House correspondent (and avid DXer), Dan Robinson, is quoted in this article.