Tag Archives: CQ Magazine

Two free issues of CQ magazine!

Many thanks to CQ Magazine for the following announcement:

In view of the “stay at home and flatten the curve” recommendations from the health experts during this worldwide pandemic, CQ would like to give everyone the opportunity to escape the news alerts for a brief period and enjoy the hobby they love through the pages of CQ!

View the March and April issues of CQ magazine at no charge! It’s easy, simply send an E-mail to ([email protected]) and we’ll send you the March issue now and the April issue on April 1st!

Take advantage of this opportunity to read CQ – free of charge – and keep connected with the latest trends and activities in amateur radio!
Stay home . . stay well!

Many thanks to CQ for sharing these two free issues!

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Some answers from CQ Mag & free download of January/February issues

feb. 2012We’ve had a long-running string of comments regarding CQ Magazine and Popular Communications on a post announcing the end of Popular Communications and birth of CQ Plus.

We’ve heard no word from CQ in months and many of us assumed that perhaps they were closing down. This morning, I learned about a HamRadio Now interview with CQ editor Rich Moseson W2VU. In this one hour video, Moseson explains the late print issues, end of Pop Comm and how the publisher plans to move forward.

We also learn that CQ has made digital copies of the January and February 2014 issues available online and free of charge. Click here to download from CQ online.

Click here to watch the video on YouTube, or via the embedded player below:

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Pop’Comm Monitors – get your own shortwave listening post call sign

At SWLing.com, one of the most frequent email questions we’ve  received over the years is regarding the availability of call signs (station identification) for shortwave monitoring stations.  Until today, I’ve had to tell these inquiring folks that there was no known organization managing such a program. Some people have even suggested that SWLing.com begin one, but this sort of program needs to be organized, maintained, and curated–no small task, and one which is frankly outside our scope at SWLing.

I’m delighted to report that Popular Communications Magazine has stepped up to the plate and is now steward of just such a radio monitoring  program, to be known as Pop’Comm Monitors.

So, Pop Comm is granting shortwave listening post call signs. What’s more,  you can request–much like amateur radio’s vanity callsign system–the 3 letter suffix of your choice.

What is the utility of a SWL callsign?  I think fellow radio listener and operator, John Harper sums it up quite well on his site.  In my view, it’s just one more way to conveniently connect and engage radio hobbyists across the globe.

Click here to go to the dedicated website for Pop’Comm Monitors, and sign up! There is no cost for joining the program.

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