Tag Archives: for sale

Readers and friends have spoken: I’m keeping the Sony ICF-SW100

Yesterday, I published a post listing several radios for sale. These are all portables I haven’t used in a while–I would like them to be in the hands of someone who could put them on the air. I have so many portables that many get overlooked because I’m just one guy. That, and I’m also using the sales a means to build up my radio funds kitty for some future purchases.

In this first post, I mentioned I might sell my Sony ICF-SW100 and that I was on the fence.

Evidently you all know me better than I know me! I received 7 emails and numerous comments urging me to keep the SW100 noting that I would regret selling it.

I’m taking your advice and, frankly, I think you’re right: I believe I would regret this sale. It’s a unique radio and one I desperately wanted in the 1990s, but simply couldn’t afford. It works perfectly, too, so perhaps it’s a sign that I simply need to put it on the air more often.

Thank you for speaking up. I should note that the offers I received on the SW100 were all accompanied with notes telling me that I probably should keep it, too. That’s saying something!

I will be listing more radios here soon including:

  • A Uniden Bearcat TruckTracker V Scanner (BCD436HP) with GPS antenna
  • A Marathon ETFR with custom belt case
  • And possibly one of my Sony ICF-SW7600GRs as I have a total of three

I’ll have even more than this as I work through some of my extras. Stay tuned and thank you for the support!

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Thinning the herd at SWLing Post HQ

I’m in the process of re-arranging my small office/radio shack and building a dedicated fold-out workbench for all of my projects that require a bit of solder and tinkering.

I need to downsize some of my radio collection to not only free up space but also re-fund the radio kitty. I literally have dozens and dozens of portables–many duplicates. I also don’t like radios to sit on a shelf–I’d rather them be in someone’s hands and on the air. There are a number of portables I use regularly and that I’m keeping for future performance comparisons.

Note that most of these radios are in a price class that likely makes international shipping a moot point (the shipping might cost as much as the radio). I’ve included shipping in the following prices, but this assumes USPS within the US.

If you’re interested in any of the following, contact me at: forsale@swling.net

Also, please not that it could take time for me to reply to your inquiries due to my activities and travels this week.

Sony ICF-SW11 – Update: SOLD

This ICF-SW11 is in superb shape. Comes with original box and paperwork.
$65 shipped USPS to US.

Tivdio V-117 – Update: SOLD

This is a really simple analog display, DSP radio. Performance is respectable for such a super inexpensive radio. Of course, not a DXing machine or anything. $15 shipped USPS to US.

XHDATA D-808 – Update: SOLD

This is a wonderful DSP radio and I’ve had many a good listening session with this unit. If you’re not familiar with this radio, I highly recommend reading 13dka’s review. $90 shipped USPS to US.

Sony ICF-SW100 – Update: Keeping this one after all

I honestly can’t decide if I want to sell my SW-100. I swore I never would and I might change my mind. This one is not cosmetically perfect (perhaps 7 out of 10?)–I purchased it used from Universal Radio and had Vlado (N3CZ) replace the ribbon cable in this unit and tested it thoroughly in 2015. I have traveled extensively with this little radio since and it has served me well. I haven’t used it in ages, though, because as of late I tend to take my CC Skywave SSB or Belka DX since those would be easier to replace if damaged.  This would only include the radio and the attachable cover. It works as it should and the battery cover is completely in tact.

If interested, just send me an offer. Full disclosure: I’m truly on the fence about this one and could change my mind.

More to come…

As I dig into my radio reserves, I may find others that I’ll post for sale.

And in case you’re wondering, I’m not leaving the world of shortwave. Not at all. Even after I sell of some extra units, I’ll still have 24 or more portables here. 🙂

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For Sale: HackRF One & PortaPack H1 combo

Spectrum display on the 18 meter band.

–UPDATE: This item has sold.  Thank you!–

It’s time to thin the herd! Over the coming weeks, I’m planning to liquidate some gear here at the SWLing Post HQ.

I’m selling radios and accessories I no longer use or need for comparison reviews. I’ll plan to post these on the SWLing Post before placing them on something like eBay.

Know that funds from your purchase will help SWLing Post running costs and will be used to purchase future review units.

HackRF One and PortPack H1 combo

First up is my HackRF One and Portapack H1 field-portable receiver and spectrum sampling package.

I purchased these new at the 2016 Dayton Hamvention–the HackRF One was purchased at the TAPR booth and the PortaPack H1 at the Sharebrained Technology booth. The Portapack H1 was installed on the HackRF One by its designer Jarod (see below).

While I’m sure a number of readers are familiar with the HackRF One SDR, I doubt many will be familiar with the PortaPack H1, which I found to be one of the more exciting innovations showcased at the 2016 Hamvention.

In essence, the PortaPack H1 is a shield that attaches to the HackRF and adds a touchscreen LCD, navigation controls, headphone jack, real-time clock, micro SD card slot, and custom aluminum case. When you add power via the USB port (or using a USB battery pack) you can utilize many HackRF features without needing a computer or tablet. The PortaPack firmware runs on the fast ARM processors in the HackRF. The only time an external computer is necessary is to reprogram the firmware.

Here’s a short video:

I fell in love with the PortPack H1 and purchased it on the spot at the Hamvention.

Why? Well, among many other things, you can do spectrum recordings natively and save them to a MicroSD card. The PortPack writes the recording as a basic IQ file. I suspect it’ll require a little tinkering to open and playback the file in another SDR application.

Why am I selling?

I had planned to use the PortPack as a means to do field SDR recordings and do a full review. After all, it must be the most compact, all-in-one solution for doing field spectrum recordings.

Tuned to Radio Australia this morning.

Truth is, though, I haven’t had time to tinker with the PortaPack at all as I’ve been so busy with family life, travels and doing other reviews.

Also, I rarely do field spectrum recordings because I’m lucky enough to live at a site that has little to no radio interference. It would be very difficult for me to find an outdoor location and deploy an antenna that would outperform my home setup. I could see myself using the PortPack while doing proper globe-trotting across the planet, but I have no plans to do this in the near future.

To be clear: though the PortPack H1 works as-is, it is developed with the hacker and experimenter in mind. You would need to figure out which app could import the spectrum files and what format to use.

I’d like to sell this to someone who could use it and would enjoy experimenting. (And possibly writing up something for the SWLing Post? (Hint hint!)

I bet I haven’t used the HackRF/PortaPack combo more than one hour on the air. It’s essentially like new and comes with the PortaPack metal case, the original HackRF One box, HackRF One plastic enclosure/case and cord.


Originally, this package cost me over $500.

I’m selling this HackRF One and PortaPack H1 one shipped and fully insured via the USPS (within the US) for $400.

If you’re seriously interested, but live outside the US, please contact me. I would need to determine shipping costs based on the destination. Note that I’m no expert at doing international shipments, though, so can’t comment regarding import duties and customs clearance or tracking.

I would like to receive funds via PayPal or perhaps Google Wallet. I can do USPS money orders, etc. but they will need to clear prior to shipping (this adds a few days to the turn-around time).

I know very little in terms of operating the PortPack H1, so I would encourage you to check out both the HackRF One and Sharebrained Technology websites to learn more prior to purchasing.

Again, your purchase will essentially help me fund the SWLing Post! Contact me if interested–first come, first serve. Thanks!

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Want to buy a 100 kilowatt shortwave transmitter?

logo_RIZ-HR_resize(Source: National Association of Shortwave Broadcasters via Alokesh Gupta)

To Whom It May Concern:

We are contacting you as we are selling our 100 kW SHORTWAVE TRANSMITTER and accompanying equipment and thought that you may be interested. The equipment is fully functional and was in use until recently.

Below is a list of the items that we are selling:

  • 100 kW SW Transmitter RIZ OR 100-K-02/A (built acc. to german ARD Standards)
  • Compressor-Limiter w/ DCC transmitter control
  • Balun transformer 50 Ohm asym. to 300 Ohm symetric
  • Artificial antenna for testing 100 kW transmitter
  • Coax pipe, 4 1/8″, 20 meters
  • Elbow EIA, 4 1/8″, 5 pcs.
  • Connector, 4 1/8″ for HF 5″, 2 pcs.
  • Coaxial switch, 1 pc.
  • Remote control panel

If you are interested or know someone who may be interested please let us know and we will send more details. The equipment is currently located in Deanovec, Croatia.

For further information feel free to contact me, I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Ante Beljo, Director
Croatian Information Center
Meduliceva 13
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Tel.: +385 1 4826 040
Fax: +385 1 4846 944
Mobile: +385 98 318 842

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