The folks at XHDATA have reached out to me with a deal for SWLing Post readers who live in the US and have an account with
They have just introduced an inexpensive portable radio, the XHDATA D-328, and are looking for new reviews on
The first ten SWLing Post readers to contact them will get a free D-328. The next ten readers will get a 50% off coupon code.
Simply email XHDATA at, mention that you’re an SWLing Post reader in the US and that you would like a XHDATA D-328 review unit. Note that this is the weekend, so you might not receive a reply from XHDATA for a couple of days.
The total price of the radio is only $13.80 at present.
If XHDATA offer a similar deal for readers in other countries, I will certainly post it here!
Perhaps this goes without saying, but If you get a free or discounted radio I would suggest that you mention this fact in the review and don’t hesitate to offer your frank thoughts and opinions.
Good luck! If you snag a D-328, please also consider commenting with your review here as well. I have one on order as well, but might not get to a review very quickly due to my schedule.