Tag Archives: Pirate Radio Recordings

Pirate Radio Recordings: Radio Appalachia

Radio Appalachia is the only pirate I’ve ever heard on the shortwaves which features bluegrass and gospel music. This recording was made Saturday night on 6.9349 MHz (AM).

At 8:28 in the recording below, you’ll hear Radio Appalachia’s station ID :

“Radio Appalachia, you are listening to Radio Appalachia…the free voice of the Ohio Valley. Broadcasting from high above Moundsville, West Virginia, this is Radio Appalachia.”

You then hear their signature Three Stooges audio sample and a repeat of the ID.

Click here to download the MP3, or listen to the entire broadcast below:

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Pirate Radio Recordings: Radio Ronin Shortwave

Radio Ronin starts off his set with Steppenwolf.

Saturday night was one of the most active nights for pirate radio I’ve heard in some time. No doubt, pirates were taking advantage of the quiet atmospheric conditions.

Radio Ronin was the first station I heard Saturday evening. His AM signal was very strong with only slight fading on 6,955 kHz. The mix includes mostly classic rock, starting things off with groups like Steppenwolf, the Steve Miller Band, and Pink Floyd, then moving into rock music of the 80s and beyond. I also included a few minutes of his interval signal (yep, even pirates have interval signals).

Enjoy below, or download the MP3 here:

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Pirate Radio Recordings: X-FM

Listening conditions Saturday night were  pretty good–we had clear skies and  though propagation wasn’t excellent, I did manage to record a full broadcast (over 3 hours) of X-FM.

X-FM typically features a wide variety of music spanning trance/electronica to varieties of rock/metal. This broadcast was no exception–hear for yourself:

PLEASE NOTE: While most of the music in this broadcast is perfectly safe, parents should note that some songs contain explicit lyrics. If you’re easily offended, you might want to slowly back away.  After all, this is pirate radio!

UPDATE: Check out the QSL card I received for this broadcast:

Click to enlarge

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Pirate Radio Recordings: North Woods Radio

Though listening conditions were tough Saturday night, as we were wedged between two lines of thunderstorms (both of which were no more than 60 miles away) I did manage to capture North Woods Radio’s full broadcast. This broadcast featured some noted drum solos. As you can hear for yourself, their AM signal was strong at times on 6,935 kHz, but occasionally the percussion was augmented by natural forces, in the form of static crashes:

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Pirate Radio Recordings: Undercover Radio

Saturday night, I had a chance to record three pirates on 6925 kHz: North Woods Radio, Captain Morgan Shortwave and Undercover Radio. For tagging, I’m posting each individually.

The final station from Saturday night is Undercover Radio.

Undercover Radio was broadcasting in AM starting around 03:18 UTC on May 13, 2012. The signal was great and there was a nice mixture of music and plenty of dialog. You can listen to the recording in the player embedded below, or by downloading the mp3 here.

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Pirate Radio Recordings: Captain Morgan Shortwave

Saturday night, I had a chance to record three pirates on 6925 kHz: North Woods Radio, Captain Morgan Shortwave, and Undercover Radio. For tagging, I’m posting each individually.

The second station I recorded Saturday night was Captain Morgan Shortwave.

Captain Morgan was broadcasting in AM starting around 01:42 UTC on May 13, 2012. The signal was strong. You can listen to the entire broadcast in the player embedded below, or by downloading the mp3 here.

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Pirate Radio Recordings: North Woods Radio

Saturday night, I had a chance to record three pirates on 6925 kHz: North Woods Radio, Captain Morgan Shortwave, and Undercover Radio. For tagging, I’m posting each individually.

The first station I recorded Saturday night was North Woods Radio.

North Woods was broadcasting in the upper side band starting around 00:55 UTC on May 13, 2012. The signal was weak at first, but got better toward the end. You can listen to the entire broadcast in the player embedded below, or by downloading the mp3 here.

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