Tag Archives: RTI French

RTI and Space Line test broadcasts (Feb 22 – Mar 1)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Kanwar Sandhu, who writes:

Following email was received by Radio Taiwan International, French Service:

French service will collaborate with Space Line from Bulgaria for a daily broadcast of thirty minutes from 19:00 to 19:30 UTC from Sunday March 29, 2020. Broadcasting will be provided from the city of Kostinbord on the frequency 6005 kHz.

Before the official resumption of our broadcast, we will conduct five days of trial scheduled for February 22-23, 28-29 and March 1.

We would like to invite you to help us to find out the listening conditions by sending us your listening reports on these five days of testing. (Meg Wang, French Service RTI)

Many thanks, Kanwar, for sharing this tip!

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Radio Taiwan International: French and Spanish language services to leave shortwave

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, G. Koopal, who who sent a tip regarding RTI’s French language service leaving shortwave. I followed up directly with RTI and received the following reply from their French language service team:

[English Translation]

We have just announced this news in the last “courriers des auditeurs” this Sunday, February 4th.

From March 25th, the French service and the Spanish service of RTI will unfortunately stop broadcasting on shortwave.

The schedule of programs will change a little but you can always listen to us on the new website that will be online very soon. More videos will be posted in the future. We have also opened a youtube channel where you can find all these videos!

Thank you for your question, see you soon.

The French service team of RTI

[Original French]

Nous venons tout juste d’annoncer cette nouvelle dans le dernier “courriers des auditeurs” de ce dimanche 4 février.

A partir du 25 Mars, le service français et le service espagnol de RTI cessera malheureusement de diffuser sur ondes courtes.

La grille des programmes va donc un peu changer mais vous pourrez toujours nous écouter sur le nouveau site internet qui sera en ligne très prochainement. Plus de vidéos seront postées à l’avenir. Nous avons d’ailleurs ouvert une chaîne youtube sur laquelle vous pourrez retrouver toutes ces vidéos !

Merci pour votre question, à bientôt.

L’équipe su service français de RTI

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