Tag Archives: Shortwave Art

Shortwave’s Giant: Carlos explores evangelical broadcasting to MENA

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor and political cartoonist, Carlos Latuff, who shares the following guest post:


Catechizing via shortwave.

by Carlos Latuff, special for The SWLing Post

During the Vietnam War (1955-1975), the expression “hearts and minds” became popular and referred to the US government’s strategy to gain allies among the South Vietnamese against the Vietcong guerrillas. Over the years this strategy has been used in different contexts. What I’m going to talk about in this short article is how the radio waves have served Christian evangelical churches, to win hearts and minds, specially in Africa and Middle East (MENA).

Different from what I did with the Ethiopian clandestine broadcasts, when I spent around 3 months monitoring, with evangelical radios it took only two days in January 2022; quite simple, since they’re stations with regular programming. Most of them have good signal reception, there’s no jamming from other countries and, despite transmitting in different languages, little translation was necessary since the content is always the same: religious preaching.

All listenings happened in Rio de Janeiro. The radio sets used in this monitoring were the XHDATA D-808 and an old analog radio Sanyo RP-8351, made in Brazil in the 70’s. A 7-meter long wire antenna was used in all listenings. Continue reading

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Carlos’ Shortwave Art and Recording of Dimtse Wegahta Tigray (Voice of the Dawn Tigray)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Carlos Latuff, who shares the following recording of Dimtse Wegahta Tigray and notes:

Dimtse Wegahta Tigray (Voice of the Dawn Tigray), 15340 kHz, clandestine broadcast in the Tigrinia language from Issoudun, France, to warring Ethiopia.

    • Tigray regional government sends letter to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.
    • US emissary to Ethiopia says the withdrawal of tigray troops from Amhara and Afar will open the door to peace talks.
    • Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed speaks on peace talks as the fight against Tigray forces continues.

Signal received in Juiz de Fora, MG, 12/25/2021, 14:33, local time.
Thanks to Hamza Oromo, Habay11521925, and HizbiTigray for the translation.

Many thanks for sharing, Carlos!

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Cities and Memory: “Remix and reimagine the world of shortwave radio”

I’m absolutely chuffed to announce that the excellent Cities and Memory sound project has partnered with the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive for an all-new take on the soundscape of cities, and YOU are invited to be part of it.

From Cities and Memory:

Open call – remix and reimagine the world of shortwave radio

Shortwave radio is one of the most fascinating sonic worlds – capturing vital moments in world history as well as pirate radio, clandestine stations, secretive number stations and military and spy radio, all of humanity is there to be listened to at the turn of a dial.

We’re delighted to have teamed up with The Shortwave Radio Archive to present 100 incredible recordings from the history of shortwave radio all over the world for artists to remix and reimagine.

Shortwave Transmissions is our latest global project, and we’re calling for sound artists and musicians to get involved by reimagining shortwave radio recordings from across the world.

Here’s how to get involved:

    1. Email us to let us know you’re interested – and we’ll send you the database of recordings to choose from.
    2. Let us know your top two choices, and we’ll allocate one of those sounds to you to work with.
    3. Create your composition – it must contain some elements of the original recording in some form, but otherwise is a completely free composition (music, sound art, radio art, composition, narrative storytelling – everything is valid!).
    4. Submit your composition – the final deadline will be Sunday 14 November.

There are some incredibly rich recordings to work with as source material – here is just a sample selection:

    • Recordings from the mysterious “numbers stations” around the world
    • Coverage of world-changing events such as 9/11, the invasion of Kuwait, Kennedy’s assassination, Tiananmen Square protests, the death of Fidel Castro and many more
    • Rare international recordings from St. Helena, Nicaragua, Saudi Arabia, the Falkland Islands and Antarctica
    • Recordings covering a huge period of time from 1934 through to the present day
    • Space travel documented, including the Sputnik, Apollo and Challenger missions
    • Recordings of famous voices such as Winston Churchill and King George V
    • Station IDsinterval signals and final broadcasts from radio stations

Compositions will be presented in the Shortwave Transmissions project in late November and to thousands of listeners across the Cities and Memory podcast, and a selection of compositions will be chosen for an accompanying album release

Sound artists and mixers, jump in to the Archive and see what you can unearth from the depths of our audio. We hope you’ll want to part in what we believe will be one of the most intriguing projects we’ve launched; in partnership with Cities and Memory, there’s no doubt it can be.  We look forward to your contributions!

Click here for full details at Cities and Memory.

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Bruce’s shortwave music is influenced by Holger Czukay

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Bruce Atchison, who shares the following in response to our recent post about musician Holger Czukay:

I love Holger Czukay’s music, especially with CAN. I especially love the
song, “Animal Waves.”

I also incorporated shortwave sounds in my own music.

Here are video links to my YouTube page which might interest you.

CHU Canada

Click here to view on YouTube.

A Short Wave to Shortwave

Click here to view on YouTube.

Stop Listening Now

Click here to view on YouTube.

Thanks for sharing your work, Bruce! Very cool! I need to get you in touch with David Goren for inclusion in a future Shortwave Shindig!

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Short Waves / Long Distance Repository

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, David Goren, who shares the following (via Facebook):

Short Waves / Long Distance Repository

The Short Waves / Long Distance Repository is now online. Comprised of selected works from submissions to the highly competitive open call Short Waves / Long Distance, these 38 works exploring the sonics of the shortwave radio spectrum (2-30 mHz), and the experience of long distance listening. The Repository features the following works:

a lagoon, considered against its archival image, Sally Ann McIntyre (Radio Cegeste)
All the News All the Time, Dafna Naphtali
an electrical discharge, a sea of burning oil slicks, Sally Ann McIntyre (Radio Cegeste)
Argent Discovery, Jed Miner
CODEX: Post-Human Speech Sounds, Tom Miller (a.k.a. Comrade Squelch)
Caller, Ed Osborn
Chasing Waterfalls, Sam Rowell
Crimean Snow, John Roach
Elegy for RCI, Lee Rosevere
Fringe Area, William Basinski
Fuzz, Ricardo Paraíso Silvestre
Ghostwave, Jacques Foschia
Hellschreiber, Acoustic Mirror
I listened to the buzzer for hours and nothing happened (edit), D.N.P vs Mutate
Körper, Antonio D’Amato
L’abolition de la Croix, Meira Asher
Let’s Absorb The Waves As We Hold On For Dear Life, Nicholas Knouf
Michael Sedore, ND2Q, Dominique Ferraton
Modulation I, Javier Suarez Quiros
Ondes Simultanee et Perturber, Patrick Harrop
Oracle, Edward Ruchalski
Orbital Lullaby, Craig Dongoski
Over the Horizon, Pietro Bonanno
öö and ää, Evangelos Makropoulos, Gosha Hniu, Victor Math, and Horace Prawn
Short Waves, So Beast
Shortwave Radio, South Africa, IV, Gregory Kramer
Shortwaves trip, Paolo Pastorino
Spectres of Shortwave: Falling Towers (excerpt), Amanda Dawn Christie
St Columb Major – transmission received, Mark Vernon
Staubrauschen (Dusty Noise / Media Dirt), Timo Kahlen
Strange Sonars, Linda Dusman & Alan Wonneberger
Stratocode from nowhere, Flaub
The Perfect Storm, Stephen Bradley
Three Steppes Forward Two Steppes Back, Jeff Gburek
through the shortwave, part one, Spasmodular sounds from Steve’s shortwave
TransSonic Awakenings in D, Douglas Hedwig

Click here to view the Short Waves / Long Distance Repository.

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Növö – The Shortwaves

Novo - The Shortwaves

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Mark Fahey, who writes:

A few weeks ago this amazing album was released which is totally jammed packed full of shortwave weirdness wrapped into a synth concept work.

[…]Here is some info about the album…


This is so fantastic, full of numbers stations including the very weird Asian ones, interval signal inspired tunes, data bursts and general shortwave radio weirdness.

Plenty of deep mixed samples of Radio Peking, Moscow, NHK, VOA etc.

Hopefully you can listen to it on Spotify, Apple Music or somewhere though any progressive DXer won’t be disappointed if they chose to purchase the album.


Mark actually sent this tip several weeks ago–immediately after the album release. I had problems, at first, downloading the album (probably because I was outside of the US at the time). I finally did download it, though, and I agree with Mark: it’s well-worth a listen. I’ve added it to my music collection.

Növö may not appeal to everyone, but if you’re a fan of electronic music with heavy use of samples and an “industrial” flavor, you’ll love The Shortwaves.

Here’s a video promo I discovered on YouTube:

Thanks, Mark, for the tip!

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David Goren’s numbers station installation audio

DG-Performance-ShortwaveTwo months ago, I posted that David Goren, talented radio producer and shortwave radio artist, created a Numbers Station installation in the Secret Wars exhibition at the Proteus Gowanus gallery in Brooklyn, NY.

David has recently published the audio that accompanies his installation.

Take note that this is not a radio documentary–rather, it’s an expansion of his original piece, and part of his sound installation at Proteus Gowanus.  Enjoy:

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