Tag Archives: The Queen’s Gambit

Santiago spots a Soviet-era portable in “The Queen’s Gambit”

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Santiago Roland (CX1DR), who writes:

Hi Thomas, I’m a reader of your blog since 2015 and i was looking for movies showing shortwave radio models. I ended up in your blog again, lol, and decided to write to you and tell you that your blog is awesome. I read it many times and gathered lots of information about different topics.

The other day I was watching the last chapter of the Netflix Series Queen’s Gambit and I spotted an old classic, the Soviet VEF 206 shortwave radio. It gets a full frame cameo and it is beautiful.

The radio appears in the scene because (no spoilers) the American girl is playing chess with the world champion in the USSR and the people outside is listening the match with this radio. I send you the caption so you may add it to your collection of radios in cinema.

Oh wow! Thank you for sharing this, Santiago! That screen shot is beautiful–the Soviet VEF 206 has some serious nostalgic appeal!

We’ll add this to our ever-growing archive of radios in movies. Thank you!

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