Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Paul, who writes:
Hi Thomas,
“20 Days in Mariupol” won this year’s Oscar for Best Documentary.
The movie is about the Russian siege to that city in the opening days
of the Ukraine invasion, as recounted by a filmmaker located there.

There is a segment of the movie about Russia’s use of propaganda to
demoralize the local population. The still photo shows an AOR AR-3000a
communications receiver playing a Russian broadcast, trying to
convince the city’s inhabitants that they cannot stop the invasion.
That radio was reviewed on The SWLing Post a few years ago:
A review of the AOR AR-3000A Wideband Receiver
The sad and grim movie is available for free viewing at PBS:
20 Days in Mariupol
The part showing the radio starts around the 35:16 mark.
Thank you for sharing this, Paul.