Tag Archives: WCB

New shortwave radio station, Madagascar World Voice Radio, to begin testing this year

An update on the Madagascar World Voice Radio station via Glenn Hauser and the DX Listening Digest:

(Source: DX Listening Digest)

Gayle Crowe, the VP of Programming, World Christian Broadcasting [see our previous post] via DX Listening Digest: “The transmitters are sitting on the dock in Houston awaiting the ship that will take them to the west side of Madagascar. Best estimates are that the trip will take between 60 and 90 days. Once they make it through customs (which sometimes has been a lengthy, uncertain process) and are in place at the station, a technician will have to come from Continental Electronics to install them. Best case scenario for the beginning of testing is probably June 1.”

(Source: FinnDXer)

A new short wave radio wills start this spring or next summer in the Indian Ocean, “Madagascar World Voice Radio” broadcasting from Mahajanga on seven frequencies:
7355, 9565, 9585, 11870, 13630, 13635 and 13650 kHz.
Madagascar World Voice (MWV) is a member of World Christian Broadcasting Corporation (WCBC) in Nashville Tennessee (USA).

06H00-06H30 UT 7355
06H30-07H00 UT 9565
07H00-07H30 UT 11870
07H30-08H00 UT 13635
08H00-08H30 UT 9565
08H30-09H00 UT 11870
09H00-09H30 UT 13630
10H30-11H00 UT 9585
11H00-11H30 UT 11870
11H30-12H00 UT 13650
(Bernard Grondin via dxld)

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US Christian Broadcaster Still Believes in Shortwave

(Source: VOA News)

With the rise of the Internet, some news broadcasters, including the Voice of America, are moving away from shortwave radio.

But some religious broadcasters in America still believe in the medium.

“Our view is that there is a great future for shortwave,” says Charles Caudil, president of World Christian Broadcasting, which runs KNLS. He says its long-range signal is ideal for reaching rural areas in the developing world.

“Very few people there have the Internet available to them, or satellites. But they do have shortwave receivers. There are about three billion shortwave receivers in the world,” he said.

I think VOA could learn from their own report. While VOA believes that China (cited in this report) is well-equipped for the internet world, have they thought about internet surveillance (see previous post) in their on-line distribution model?

Looks like some broadcasters still do. Again, shortwave radio = anonymity.

Read full VOA report and watch video.

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