Monthly Archives: January 2011

RNW adding more shortwave broadcasts to Egypt

Radio Netherlands Worldwide has announced that it is increasing shortwave and satellite broadcasts into Europe after Egyptian authorities shut down internet and mobile services.

The new shortwave times/frequencies are:

  • 0600-0700 UTC on 9830 kHz
  • 1600-1700 UTC on 5955 kHz + 9750 kHz
  • 1730-1830 UTC on 11615 kHz + 11655 kHz

For the full story, please read RNW Media Networks’ post.

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BBC World Service budget cut by 20%

The BBC Bush house

This is a sad week for fans and listeners of the BBC World Service.

According to news reports, the British Foreign Office has cut BBC’s World Service budget by 20%, resulting in sweeping reductions in their shortwave service. As many as 650 jobs will be lost by 2014 and cancellation of shortwave service in five languages and several countries. It appears they are cutting SW service to China, Cuba and the Balkans, instead relying on mobile phone & internet access (note that according to Keith Perron, the BBCWS Chinese site has been blocked for 10 years and in Cuba less than 1% of the population have access to the internet).

My real fear is that listeners who rely on the BBC WS via shortwave–those who live in rural, impoverished countries, for example–will have no voice to express the loss of a lifeline of information to them. It’s quite easy for us to forget that the internet and mobile technologies have not yet penetrated these “markets” and that shortwave radio is the most effective and affordable means to receive high-quality news and information.

As The Guardian put it, the BBC WS will be “eclipsed” by Voice of America. I certainly hope that the VOA can give its markets better service stability.

More on the BBC World Service cuts:

Thanks to Kim Elliot, Keith Perron and BernieS for their commentary.

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Radio As A Force For Peace

Jocelyne Sambira

In many countries ravaged by war and violent conflict, radio is sometimes the only way of getting information. In most of these regions, there is little or no infra- structure and when people are on the run, it is sometimes the only link to the world they have left behind.

This inspiring article written by journalist, Jocelyne Sambira for we_magazine shows how radio broadcasts and journalism, in general, bring listeners clarity in the midst of chaos.

Read “Radio As A Force For Peace” at we_magazine’s website.

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Radio Slovakia International to continue shortwave broadcasts to Caribbean and Latin America

(Source: Southgate Amateur Radio Club)

A last-minute agreement between Radio Slovakia International and Radio Miami International (WRMI) will permit the international radio station of Slovakia to continue its shortwave transmissions in English and Spanish to the Caribbean and Latin America.

Radio Slovakia International had announced that its shortwave broadcasts would end on 31 December 2010. However, WRMI will be broadcasting RSI’s programme in English at 0130-0200 UTC Tuesday-Saturday and RSI’s Spanish programme at 0330-0400 UTC seven days per week. Both of these transmissions will be on 9955 kHz with 50 kW of power from Miami using a beam of 160 degrees directed to the Caribbean and Latin America.

“We are glad to be able to help Radio Slovakia International continue its shortwave transmissions to this part of the world,” said WRMI General Manager Jeff White. He added that listener reports will be appreciated and will be verified with a special WRMI QSL card commemorating the Radio Slovakia International relay.

Reports may be sent to Radio Miami International, P.O. Box 526852, Miami, Florida 33152 USA, or by e-mail to

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