Sony CRF-320 sighting on eBay


SonyThis morning, while scanning eBay, I ran across this serviced and restored Sony CRF-320. It’s listed with a BuyItNow price of $1,795.00 plus $63.30 shipping. Though that price seems steep to me, it appears these trend for $1,880 on eBay.

SonyCRF-320The CRF-320 is certainly a beautiful receiver and, aesthetically, everything I love about radios of the era. I’ve never had the pleasure of operating one, and–though I’m a bit of a radio collector–it’s simply out of my price range. If I ever manage to procure one, it’ll probably be a fixer-upper or a garage sale find. Well…one can dream…

I’ve heard the CRF-320 is a true performer. I’m very curious if any SWLing Post readers have one. If so, please comment with your thoughts or even a review!

Click here to search eBay for the Sony CRF-320.

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12 thoughts on “Sony CRF-320 sighting on eBay

  1. Omar Rampaul

    I found my dad’s old CRF 320. Not in perfect condition but it still works. SW antenna is missing and FM has the top broken off but extends.
    Dials are missing on the FM, MW/LW and antenna tuning. Needs a Sony power cord.
    Looking to get rid of it.

  2. Brandon

    Hi all, I was recently helping the mother in law clean out an office/bedroom and came across one of these in new condition. Apparently it was purchased new and never really used, just sat in the box put away for all these years. Anyone interested in this feel free to email me at for questions or offers. if they’re going for $1700 refurbished, I’ll take $1500 for this new condition unit.

  3. Guy Atkins

    Keep in mind that collectors will pay prices that seem astronomical to actual users of receivers! It’s a totally different market and audience. The Internet and Ebay have combined to make rare finds accessible to collectors in other countries who are determined to fill the gaps in their collections with a “price is no object” approach.

  4. padraig

    You would want to be nuts to pay anything over 100 quid for this radio.
    After all, its years old, the parts obsolete. Its not something from the world war 2 era! With only two left in the world. Even at that, I still wouldn’t give anything close to the asking price. Also note: this is not custom made! It’s mass produced by it’s manufacturer. So the asking price is way out of order !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Kenny B

    Wow, so cool, this is another reason I always come to this blog, I get to see and learn about radios I have never heard about let alone seen. Who knows, maybe on one my many trips to flea markets and thrift stores I will stumble across one of these many gems always shown here, fingers crossed. I did snag an in the box Radio Shack Weather Radio #12-249 like new for a buck so you never know!

  6. Dan Robinson

    Thanks for posting this item. I’m the moderator of the Yahoo group for SONY 320 and 330s — they are quite common these days on EBay. The key, however, is condition and many of them are often suffering from one or more problems common to this receiver including: stuck S-meters, faulty LEDs, gears in the main and AM/FM tuning sections that are dried out and cracked, belts in the recorder (in the 330s) that need replacing, and a variety of cosmetic issues. Prices for 320s range from the high hundreds near $1,000 and slightly higher, and for 330s usually well above $1,000 to near $2,000 for units that are in 9.0 or higher condition. Prospective buyers of these wonderful radios need to ask numerous questions of sellers so as to avoid problems down the line.

    1. Dan Robinson

      I will add a couple of things — the 320 on Ebay right now that Tom identified has the old style rotory clock, while the main photo is one with the LED clock, which is more desirable on the used market. The seller of this particular 320 is well known on Ebay for his extensive write-ups of equipment, quite informative and useful, and he has the advantage of access to a local electronics shop that actually still does repairs of 320s and 330s. Keep in mind that, generally speaking, prices for 320s as I said and depending on condition generally are in the $1,000 range and top out in the $1200 -1400 range. CRF-330s usually bring more because of the added tape recorder in the bottom of the unit. Of course, the market and demand determine price, and anyone who is really after one of these classic radios might be willing to pay more for a 320.

      1. Joe

        Hey I jusy sold one, my sister bought a brand new one in the 1970’s she never could figer out how to use so it sat on a shelf until she past away abought 9 years ago, my mother then took possion of it until about 2 months ago she fell and brook her hip and when we cleaned out her house there it was, just like new mabe used for 3 hours in total. Sold it for 1400 not a strach on it

    2. Ronald Hofmeister

      I know I should of been taken to the Woodshed. But I bought a Mint Sony CRF-330K Radio Tape/Recorder. I’ve been looking for one for 4 years in 100% Mint Condition. I paid to much I know but no a Scratch or Rust Spot anywhere. It was Originally Released to the European Market because of the Back Black Plate. It has 100, 120, 220, 240 volts 50/60 Cycles & had the Original European Power Cord plus the US one. It was totally gone through & they spent $500.00 in Repairs. It has the Original Users Manual plus all the Factory Throw in Paperwork.
      I spent another $1,000.00 to get all (7) OEM Sony Accessories for
      It. I even found the Sony Tape Deck Factory Kit. The Radio had the Original Factory Stickers on the Radio.


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