Many thanks to SWLing Post reader, Armin Sander, who writes:
Here is a link to a very interesting auction on eBay Germany:
Only the price speaks for itself! (And now I need a good whisky!)
No kidding, Armin! That is a hefty price–8,9999 EUR–even though this particular unit seems to be in excellent shape.
Still, I love looking looking at the photos of this classy receiver.
Thanks for sharing, Armin!
Post readers: Anyone own a Panasonic RF-8000? Please comment!
J aimerai faire un recensement mondial des rf 8000
Le miens porte le numéro 11491
These pictures are just the ones used in a fake Internet offer from Portugal. Please be aware that it is a fraud and do not send money to a fake website of a transportation company named TrafCargo LDA!
j en recherche un a achete en france
tel 0605191262
Preis: EUR 8.999,00
bonjour le prix de ce récepteur et honteux !!! 8.899 !!!! plus cher que un récepteur professionnel d’occasions !!! c’est du vole !!!!!!!!
En vrai cette radio est désirable , un monument que l on ne cesse de regarder ?
Un passionné