Many thanks to Raoul van Hall, producer of Jazz from the Left, who shares the following news:
WRMI is adding two more weekly frequencies for Jazz from the Left starting this week on 9395 kHz at 0000 UTC Saturday. For the moment, they are simulcasting the 0000 UTC hour on 9455 kHz, so the program would be on both frequencies.
So that’s a total of four weekly broadcasts on four different frequencies. Thought you and your readers would find that interesting.
Comments can be sent to:
Great news, Raoul!
Thanks Mike. That’s wonderful to hear! ???
Was making a comparison beween my inexpensive portable and a kit I built. Would never have known you were broadcasting if I had to rely on my portable! Thanks to an inexpensive regen receiver kit build I heard your broadcast on RMI tonight. I stopped comparing and started listening. Wow! What a wonderful program. Thanks and count me as a ‘regular’ as of tonight.
Don’t know why those question marks ??? showed up in my post….
Thanks Mark! Wonderful to be broadcasting jazz on shortwave! ???
Listening tonight on WRMI 5850AM, 0100+ UTC.
Excellent signal into North Carolina. Wonderful to hear something like this on SW.
Thank you to everyone who tunes in to these broadcasts.
A SPECIAL THANK YOU to Jeff White and everyone at WRMI.
Are the shows available/archived for streaming online anywhere? I love the show but often am not around during the broadcast.
Not currently, but some are archived on SoundCloud and on PRP.FM.
I occasionally offer downloads by special request through Dropbox.
Please let me know if there’s a specific program you’d like to access.
Always glad to see more Jazz and indeed more cultural programming generally coming back on shortwave.
Thank you. I totally agree. It’s the CONTENT that could keep shortwave healthy. Not just jazz, but the full spectrum of cultures, music and conversations.
It’s a joy to be back on the original medium that turned me on to radio in the first place and hear the music fading in and out with the ether.
Thanks for tuning in!
Thanks for posting this. It’s been great being back on WRMI since December. Now, two additional frequencies. I’m hoping SW fans will enjoy hearing music content on SW. Jazz being one of Americas unique cultural exports, it’s rewarding to broadcast that aspect of our culture to the world.
One of these new broadcasts is on 9395, so it’s a return to the frequency that was the former home of Global 24.
Would love to hear your comments and where you’re listening. Please email me, if you’d like, at:
Raoul (in your radio)
Unlike G24, I absolutely WILL respond to anyone who takes the time to reach out to me.
I caught the show quite by accident the other day on 9455 and was surprised to hear jazz on shortwave. For the short time the signal was audible, I really enjoyed the music. Thanks for the programming! I’ll definitely try to tune in to 9395 at 0000 when I can. It’s slightly stronger here on the gulf coast at that time, although those WRMI frequencies often skip right over me, except for 5850.
You’re very welcome. Thanks for tuning in!
I stumbled onto the program by accident on Friday, 28 JUL 2017, on 9395 kHz just after 0000 UTC, and heard Eddie Harris’s Listen Here.
That–THAT is why I acquired a shortwave receiver.
Hi James.
What a wonderful comment. Thanks for “stumbling in!”