Purchasing the Digitech AR-1780 directly from Jaycar

Last week, I posted a review of the Digitech AR-1780–a compact receiver that is only sold in Jaycar retail stores throughout Australia and New Zealand.

Since I live in the US, I purchased my AR-1780 via an Australian distributor on eBay.

Several SWLing Post readers discovered direct orders can be placed with Jaycar, thus taking advantage of Jaycar’s sales.

A couple weeks ago, Post reader, Paul, shared his correspondence with Jaycar where they implied an order could be placed via email directly with a Jaycar representative. I reached out to this representative for clarification because I felt uneasy about even suggesting that readers send credit card information over email. I asked if they had a secure order form. I never heard back from Jaycar and have been too busy to follow-up.

Turns out, SWLing Post contributor, Troy Riedel, just placed an order for the AR-1780 via Jaycar and shared the details–all it takes is a phone call. Troy writes:

I ordered the AR-1780 from Jaycar.

I contacted them through their web site, exchanged emails with a Customer Service Supervisor and she told me that they actually have a toll-free U.S. number that goes to their Australian call center (staffed during their business hours)! FYI, it’s:


I got it for $134 AUD or $103.40 USD shipped!

Thanks for sharing, Troy! A great option for ordering Jaycar products in the US.

If any Post readers in Canada have also successfully placed an order through this toll free number, please comment!

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7 thoughts on “Purchasing the Digitech AR-1780 directly from Jaycar

  1. Piran Mohazzabi

    I wished knew sooner which I could order directly from Jaycar. I ordered from MAD electronic via EBay and cost me $135 US. Botherway Ausralia time is +14 hours of US Eastern time. Best time to call Australia is after 7.00pm Eastern time.

  2. Jack K.

    Yes, mention Helen (I believe she’s in the main headquarters), otherwise they will forward you to one of the stores and they will promptly tell you they don’t ship to the US..

    Helen was great to deal with. She let me give my credit card info directly to her over the phone, while giving my shipping address through email. Ordered it on 11/7 and it currently being processed at ISC New York (USPS).

  3. Phillip M Dampier

    Here is an expedited method of ordering this radio without a lot of back and forth. North Americans cannot use the website to order, so you must send an email inquiry first. You will need to do this even if you plan on calling an order into Jaycar as they like to respond to these kinds of phone orders by first channeling the request to their export department, which will have to email you a proposed quoted invoice which you then respond to. It wastes days.

    So here is how to make this simpler:

    1) E-mail Helen Yang, CSR at Jaycar in New South Wales at: HYang@jaycar.com.au

    2) She will respond with a confirmation email. The details of what I received are found below. The order ships International Priority Airmail BTW.

    3) You need to have her email response in hand before calling in your credit card information, and tell the representative you exchanged email with her so they don’t have to deal with the usual price quoting. You just want them to find/enter the order and take your payment method. You can call the toll-free number below from the U.S., which forwards calls directly to Australia. It will save you international toll charges. Be aware business hours are 8:30am – 5:30pm Mon – Fri Australia time. Best bet is to call before you go to bed if you live in North America. Remember they are a day ahead of us too.

    4) Helen will respond to you within 24-48 hours with confirmation and a tracking number when the order ships.

    Here is something you can cut and paste:

    –> cut here

    Dear Helen:

    My friend recently placed an order through you for the Digitech AR1780. He sent me a copy of your email and I would like to expedite a similar order myself.

    I am aware this item is only available on the Australian website, which is not suitable for placing orders from North America. Therefore, I would like to arrange an order with your assistance. I am confirming that I am aware this item is on special until 26 November 2017 at these prices:

    AR1780 x 1 $109.00 AUD
    Shipping to USA $25.00 AUD
    Total $134.00 AUD

    I am aware the shipping quoted is from the Australian post office and it does not include any country duty, tax or customs charges due. I am also aware the estimated delivery time is 6-10 business days via Standard Air and you will send me a tracking number after the order is placed.

    I would like to proceed with this order as soon as possible. I know that after I hear from you, I will be providing my credit card details either by e-mail or by calling the U.S. toll free number 1 800 784 0263 (or regular phone +61 2 8832 3245).

    I know when my friend placed his order, he needed to share your name with the order department to complete the order, which is why I am writing to you today.

    I look forward to your assistance, with all my best wishes.

    <– Cut here

  4. Golan Klinger

    I posted the very first comment on your “Review of the Digitech AR-1780 portable shortwave radio” (https://swling.com/blog/2017/11/review-of-the-digitech-ar-1780-portable-shortwave-radio/) back on November 1st where I wrote:

    “Speaking of price, Jaycar recently had the AR1780 on sale for $100 AUD so I contacted them and asked if they would ship to Canada. They were most accommodating and two weeks later I had an AR1780 in hand for a total of about $123 AUD.”

    So, yep, they deliver to Canada (and promptly too). I was quite pleased with Jaycar’s service.


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