Spectres of Shortwave: Streaming free online May 26 – June 1, 2020

Many thanks to Amanda Dawn Christie, who notes that Spectres of Shortwave is once again viewable online:

Hi Thomas, the [Spectres of Shortwave] video is freely viewable online for a week now. The link just went live this week, hosted by Daziabo gallery… feel free to share!

It will be freely available to stream from 10am May 26 – 6pm June 1 on this site:


Thank you Amanda!

My apologies to those of you who tried viewing the film online from a link in a previous post.  Though it was shared widely, it turns out that link wasn’t meant to be public yet. Apologies for that!

Spread the radio love

3 thoughts on “Spectres of Shortwave: Streaming free online May 26 – June 1, 2020

  1. Penny

    Hi Amanda Dawn Christie,
    Since I missed the free viewing online of the film Spectre of Shortwave, I’m wondering if you have a link to a paid viewing.
    Thank you in advance!

  2. Dmitry Elagin

    From 2017 to 2019, I sent Amanda Dawn Christie several reports (Ghosts In The Air Glow & Requiem For Radio, Requiem For Radio, Spectres of Shortwave, HAARP Ghosts In The Air Glow). She promised to send me QSL cards. Unfortunately, these are only empty promises left. Has anyone received QSL from Amanda Dawn Christie?

    1. amanda dawn christie

      Hi Dmitry, I apologize for the delay. I sent out the Requiem for Radio QSL cards shortly after the broadcast in May 2017, and people did receive those, but some reception reports came in after I already did the mail out, while I was in the process of moving to another province, and then some cards also came back to my original address with wrong or incomplete addresses, and I still have a stack of those to mail out. I am sure that yours is among them.

      I have been struggling with some serious ongoing medical issues the last few years and so it has been very difficult to stay on top of things – for instance, none of the Spectres of Shortwave or Ghosts in the Air Glow cards have gone out. It’s not just you who has not received one of those – no one has received those and I feel terrible about it. I hope you will trust that these are not empty promises, and I am profoundly sorry that I have not sent the cards out yet due to my ongoing medical difficulties. I do hope to get them out soon.


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