Apologies in advance, but I need to brag a bit…
This weekend, both of my middle school-aged daughters passed their amateur radio exams with colors flying. Volunteers with the WCARS VEC were kind enough to meet us at a local park to conduct the test in a covered picnic area.
At the test site I was more nervous than my girls were, but I really had nothing to fear. Both were hitting a 95% pass rate on practice exams in advance.
Even though the girls have obviously learned a bit about radio through osmosis in this household, they did all of the exam prep on their own. Funny story: I remember allowing them both to send CW to my buddies K8RAT and WD8RIF on my lap when they were maybe 2 years old? Of course, they had no idea what they were sending, but they loved playing with the “clicky thing” (my paddles). I think WD8RIF actually copied their code to paper.
I purchased both of them an FT-60R handheld radio from Universal Radio. I think these HTs should serve them well for many years to come!
I know one of my daughters is already chomping at the bit to pass her General now.
Anyway, thanks for letting me brag a bit here. I’m certainly a proud papa!
Congrats to your daughters, Thomas!! Here’s to many years of family radio fun!
Congrats to the girls. They are fortunate to have such a great Dad. Especially when it’s birthday time. “Dad, can I have a 7300, pleeeze?” :=>
Thank you, Dan. My daughter, Geneva, was eyeing the IC-705 today. When she gets her General, I might help her build a field kit around the LD-11.
Congratulations Thomas! I hope your entire family can participate in POTA events in the future ?
That’s the idea, Guy!
Think of all the park-to-park contacts! 
my father likely felt the same way when my brother and I got our tickets back in 1965
I’m certain he did!
Congratulations to both of your daughters and to you as well.
I hope they get many years of enjoyment from their now officially recognised skills.
Best Wishes,
Thank you, David!
Congratulations to the proud father and of course your daughters!
Thank you and indeed I am a very proud father!
Congratulations to your daughters (and also to their dad)! That’s one “radioactive” household!
Thank you!
It is radio-active indeed! My wife was even licensed about 3 years ago.
I didn’t dare to ask. I’ll just take it for granted that Hazel obeys commands given to her in voice and CW.
Ha ha! She’s be a great op if not so distracted by squirrels!
radio is a nice hobby ! (that can be combined with others)
Thank you, Philippe! We’re going to thoroughly explore the radio hobby with them, too!