Yesterday, I cleared my radio bench and performed a few firmware updates that were recently published for the Xiegu GSOC Controller and Xiegu G90.
Upgrading the Xiegu GSOC to the latest firmware version requires also upgrading the Xiegu G90 to take full advantage of the GSOC fixes.
I downloaded the G90 firmware, driver and upgrade tool, then read through the upgrade manual. The process is pretty straight-forward, but the G90 transceiver actually has two units to upgrade: the control head and the transceiver body. I successfully completed both with no errors from the firmware tool.
Next, I downloaded the 300MB+ GSOC upgrade which is essentially an entire Linux operating system. I flashed it to a 16GB MicroSD card, inserted it in the GSOC and after turning it on it extracted and upgraded its OS. It’s an easy upgrade, but requires a MicroSD card and download time (especially if you’re like me and have a crummy rural internet connection).
GSOC v1.3
After I completed the upgrade, I connected the GSOC control head to the Xiegu G90 once again and turned it on.
The GSOC still takes a good 30 seconds to start up because it’s essentially loading a Linux OS.
Keep in mind there was one fix in particular I was looking forward to checking out: the CW latency issue.
CW latency
As I mentioned in my initial GSOC post, and also in the post after the first GSOC firmware update, the GSOC had been exhibiting sidetone latency that interfered with my ability to correctly send words and letters. In fact, it really made it impossible to send accurate code at speeds north of 11 WPM or so. Xiegu engineers tried to fix this after the first GSOC update, but it was still present. I suspected the GSOC CPU simply wasn’t fast enough to produce sidetone audio as the G90 body fed it a steady stream of dits and dashes. So far, my GSOC evaluation has pretty much been on hold because I’m unable to use CW mode.
I’m happy to note that Xiegu has now fixed the CW latency issue, but there’s a small caveat. I’ll explain…
In SSB, FM, or AM mode, for example, the GSOC produces audio via its internal speaker. This is also how it used to produce CW sidetone audio.
After the v1.3 firmware update, when you use CW mode, the audio will be produced by the G90 body. Not an elegant solution, but this does eliminate CW sidetone latency because the GSOC controller is effectively eliminated from the audio chain.
I connected the GSCO/G90 to a dummy load and tested CW which seemed to work fine. Then I hopped on the air and worked POTA activators in Ohio, Maryland and Indiana with no problem because I was essentially only using the G90 body (hence the same experience I had in my G90 review).
Honestly? This might not bother some ops, but it is a bit weird to use the GSOC on AM and SSB then switch to CW mode since the speaker audio moves from the GSOC to the G90 body. (If using headphones, I suppose you’ll have to unplug from the GSOC and plug into the G90.)
When I’ve had the GSOC in the shack, I’ve placed the control head on my table (which is the main operating position) then placed the G90 body about 2 feet away behind one of my PC monitors. With this setup, the audio jump to the G90 body is very noticeable.
This GSOC and G90 are both on loan from Radioddity, but if I owned the GSOC, I believe I’d connect an external speaker to the G90 to bring the audio closer.
It’s worth noting that If the “Modem” function is turned on in CW mode, the audio will be played via the GSOC (not the G90 body).
Noise on the spectrum display
Although it wasn’t noted in the firmware release notes, I had hoped they might have adjusted the IQ feed to help eliminate some ever-present noises on the spectrum display (which cannot be heard in the audio).
After I performed the update, the GSOC spectrum display seems to be somewhat “deaf.”
At least, I’m not able to see signals as I did moments before the upgrade. I can hear signals as I tune through the bands–and they sound fine–but I can’t see anything corresponding appropriately on the spectrum display or waterfall. I tried adjusting the default spectrum gain values but this doesn’t seem to help. I’ll try replacing out the IQ cable, but again I doubt this will have an effect because I’m sure it’s associated with the update.
If I tune to the broadcast bands, I can see strong AM signals in the spectrum, but it seems weaker SSB and CW signals are lost.
I haven’t seen other GSOC owners report this yet, so must assume it’s an issue with my particular unit and possibly a glitch from the firmware updates? I will contact the manufacturer and see if this can be sorted out.
The v1.3 firmware update also added a Bluetooth serial port, tweaked AGC algorithms, and added the ability to perform a full reset from the GSOC system menu. There are still some missing anticipated features like direct audio recording to the MicroSD card.
If I’m being perfectly honest, though, the GSOC still feels like a product in Alpha or Beta testing–not one in production. The CW sidetone issue would have been discovered if Xiegu had even one Beta tester attempt a few CW contacts prior to production. Spectrum display noise would have also been found. In addition, most promised features should have been on the unit from day one and some–like the notch filter–should have functioned properly. The whole unit feels rushed and not yet ready for prime time.
I personally much prefer using the Xiegu G90 as-is, without the GSOC controller. It’s not an Icom IC-7300 or even a Yaesu FT-891 for that matter, but it’s a very budget-friendly, full-featured field radio that sets a benchmark for its $425 US price. While I’m not a huge fan of the G90’s audio, it’s perfectly fine for field use and normal operation.
I’m undecided if I’ll continue reviewing the GSOC at this point–I may simply send it back to Radioddity who–very much to their credit–has embraced my criticisms of this unit. At present, the GSOC and G90 are living in their shipping boxes until I pull them out to perform upgrades, test them, then put them back in the boxes. Not how it should be. When I review new gear, I’m usually eager to put it in full service in my shack and in the field. Frankly, I just feel like the GSCO and G90 take up too much space and are in the way of radios I prefer using.
Are you a Xiegu GSOC owner? What are your thoughts? Please comment.
I just purchased the GSOC and tried it with my G90, I also have a X5105 I haven’t tested it with yet. It probably had 1.1 on it, so updated to 1.3 and that went well. I can listen to LSB, but USB never sounds near correct, like it is still in LSB. I cannot understand any USB QSOs that way. If I disconnect the GSOC and reconnect the G90 head I can listed to USB fine. The GSOC was never used when I bought it off of QRZ for a good price. The G90 was upgraded to V1.79b03 if that makes a difference. I use the G90 for POTA and often in the shack driving a Mercury IIIs.
GSOC 1.3 only works properly with 1.78
Hello, DC1BA, from Germany. I miss an I/O Port for CAT and WSJT-X at the GSOC.
73 Guenter, DC1BA
How did you get the waterfall to even work? Mine doesn’t move as I tune around the bands. Not sure if this is something that I’m doing wrong or what.
I just made the firmware v1.3 update on GSOC. it apparently failed cos the device dont boot any more. It only make a non bootable loop, it then dont work any more. What can I do to reset this device as per at arrival ?
I have the GSOC and the G90. After doing all the latest upgrades the screen still goes blank after about 5 to 10 minutes. The spectrum display is totally dead. I did all the Firmare upgrades to both the GSOC and the G90 but still have the issues. Is there something else I am missing? Someone mentioned new cables. Are the cables that come with the unit causing some of the problems and if so where do you recommend getting replacements from? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I just purchased the GSOC for my G90 and so far I am very pleased. I did run into trouble with the 9 pin cable they sent not working; but a quick replacement and everything is fine. There are quirks that need to be fixed but since the bulk of what I do is ssb it works fine for me. Thank you for the detailed review. You were spot on. ?
Je possède le xiegu G90 je fait beaucoup d’écoute et je suis assez souvent sur 80m pour décodage fax meteo et j utilise aussi pour la bande des 11 m depuis que j ai installer le contrôleur GSOC je ne peut pas émettre sur la bande des 11 metres quelqu un peut t il m aider merci
Fabrice, La plupart des émetteurs-récepteurs sont conçus de manière à pouvoir être modifiés facilement pour le fonctionnement MARS (Military Auxiliary Radio System). Dans de nombreux émetteurs-récepteurs, cela ouvrira les fréquences CB. Vous pouvez essayer de rechercher sur Internet “Xiegu G90 MARS mod.” -Thomas
Would you recommend getting this hardware now and hoping for improvements or avoiding it all together? I have seen continuous improvements from Xiegu on the G90.
I’m still in the camp of avoiding it. It’s just not a terrible refined piece of gear yet.
soy propietario desde noviembre de este modelo GSOC.. y lo actualice en la versión 1.1 que adquirió varias funciones más cómo descodificador de CW y scanner SWR entre otras funciones más. entonces yo me di cuenta de esos ruidos que tenía en pantalla diversos ruidos visibles sin señal de radio incluso con la antena quitada…. y a partir de ahí es cuando entré a hacer pruebas cambiando el cable IQ…. iba haber construido un cable mucho más corto para sustituirlo por el original pero entre mis cacharros encontré un cable que tenía una ferrita eliminadora de ruidos y resulta que funciona se le quitaron esos ruidos en el 99,9%… así que en la versión 1.3 han dejado sordo el tema del espectro lo cual deduzco que es una actualización error en ese aspecto cuando el problema es el cable IQ… Que mandaron con este aparato… posiblemente al ser tan largo… el cable que he utilizado era de un aparato de SP audio con clavija estéreo el cual tiene una ferrita de dos piezas dando una vuelta por ella… así que simplemente por el tema de quedarse sordo en el espectro he preferido dejar la versión 1.1 y el cable nuevo que le he colocado. y en cuanto a los problemas del Charly whisky estoy pensando en cambiar el cable construyéndolo de manera casera…. sería el mismo pero super super corto… tan solo unos 20 cm y hacer otra vez las pruebas…
I upgraded the GSOC to version 1.3 and as you as you have noted my spectrum went “deaf”. I have also not been able to decode cw or rtty. And I find the volume level between 0 and1 to be too much. Other than that I like the large screen and some of the touch features. I do find a wireless mouse useful in picking some of the smaller icons. I hope that some of these issues can be resolved including the constant noise on the pan adapter so I can really love this product.
I tried to stay quiet, but I couldn’t; the behavior is the same of other “chinese stuff”, apparently the QC (let’s call it so) is either non existent or is just a “works / doesn’t work” one, which just means that a given unit is working, but NOT that it’s working to some standard; it’s a pity since the G90 could have been a good choice for newbies, but on the other hand, it confirms the fact that one should better be very careful when picking apparently cheap Chinese stuff, and I can confirm this after trying (e.g.) the Msi.SDR or (lately) the MLA-30+ (which, as you know, I bought both for curiosity and to help a friend); sure, in some cases one may correct some of the issues/ defects, but while this isn’t a probl with cheap stuff like the SDR or the MLA antenna, it cannot be tolerated in higher priced stuff like the G90; bottom line… give it back
To be clear though the g90 is not the issue here. The g90 is a stable regularly updated reliable radio. The gsoc is the issue.
Chas is correct.
I stand by my G90 review from last year. It’s a solid budget-friendly field radio.
It’s the GSOC that has been rushed to market, in my opinion.
It is true that you pay for what you get and, admittedly, I feel much more comfortable investing in those companies that Alpha/Beta test their products before introducing them to the market.