Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Kris Partridge, who shares the following:
Just heard a trail for this BBC World Service Radio programme to be broadcast at 12h00 UTC this coming Saturday, 12 February 2022.
Here is the background of the programme:
For World Radio Day 2022, we tune in to some more small radio stations around the world that connect communities, spark conversations, keep traditions alive, empower their listeners and spread happiness with music and stories. From Aboriginal radio in Australia to a community station in India run by rural women from the lowest Dalit caste to a prison station in Texas that gives a voice to inmates on death row, the airwaves carry intimate wisdom, vital knowledge, beats and tunes that keep reminding us who we are.
Here is a link to the programme on BBC Sounds. Obviously the programme will not be available before broadcast, but will on-line be for some time after.
Should the blog readers not hear over the air ‘direct’ the 12h06 UTC broadcast there are repeats on Sunday, 13 at 03h06, 15h06 & 17h06 UTC, Wednesday, 16 at 10h06 UTC & Thursday, 17 at 00h06 UTC.
Here is the link to the ‘official’ UNESCO World Radio Day website:
73 de G8AUU
Thank you so much for the tip, Kris! Really looking forward to this piece!
What a fantastic listen!
David is far too modest to mention (remind us) that there is also another earlier “episode” of the documentary – so I will shout it out!… Search the BBC website for “World Wide Waves: The sounds of community radio” and you will find it to listen to.
Hear hear!
I listen to it live on my new redmi 9C on BBC sounds via WIFI , frankly… was just so so …
Yeah! A Big Bummer! No shortwave!
Wow–I thought it was absolutely amazing. I love how David and Maria put a documentary into motion through the words of those actually *doing* the community radio. Sometimes documentaries can feel a bit academic and sterile, but David and Maria’s piece was the opposite; it transported me location-to-location. A great sampling of stations who are connected to their listenership and community in a meaningful way. Absolutely loved it.
This producer for this program is none other than David Goren, the producer and presenter of The Shortwave Shindig at that annual Winter SWL Fest. This year’s edition will — due to the pandemic — once again will be produced “in exile” and available to all Zoom attendees of the Fest on Friday night (EST), March 4. Furthermore, three hours of David’s event will be broadcast on WRMI that evening. Details from
David is quite a talented and prolific radio guy and we are privileged to have him — whether for the Fest or on the BBC.
If there’s no shortwave in it, I’m turning it off!