Chuck Rippel’s GE Superadio Repair and Recapping Service

If you own a GE Superadio I or Superadio II and you would like an expert to restore and/or replace the capacitors, you’re in luck!

Chuck Rippel (K8HU) has announced that he will start repairing and restoring GE Superadios for anyone interested. In the past, he’s done this on a case-by-case basis when time allowed, but he has stocked up on top-shelf components and cleared off his workbench to bring Superadios back to life.

I can confirm that his work is superb. You might recall this post and video showing just how impressive his re-capped and restored Superadios perform. My restored Superadio held its own when compared with my Panasonic RF-2200 and even outperformed it in some respects. Click here to read that post.

Chuck asks that you contact him via email if you would like your Superadio recapped or repaired.

You can reach Chuck at:

A note about the Superadio III

As mentioned above, Chuck only works on the SRI and SRII models.

Chuck notes that the issue with repairing SRIIIs is: “[working with] the tuning mechanism and putting it back together so it works and the dial is in reasonable calibration. If the dial cord comes off, it’s terrible to tray and re-install so, I stay away from model III’s.

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31 thoughts on “Chuck Rippel’s GE Superadio Repair and Recapping Service

    1. Chuck Rippel

      For anyone interested, I have a pair of fully restored GE Super Radio IIs available for sale. They’ve had everything done, including conformal coating on the solder side of all the boards and ceramic coating on the outside.

      Both are very close to “out of the box” condition. Interested? Drop me a note:

      Chuck Rippel

  1. Stanford Douglas

    I know Chuck only works on l and ll’s but I’ll ask anyway. Does anyone know where to get volume control for a lll? It’s odd as it has a tap as well as the wiper. None of the schematics I have even list a value. Where can I get this odd duck? I suppose I could try to take the actual pot apart and fix it. I tried that with the on/off push button switch and lost a part so now it has a toggle switch! Hi Hi

  2. Stan Getsla

    I have an SR-2 and love it. Bought an SR-3 and was greatly disappointed when tuning became scratchy. Obtained a schematic and found out tuning had been redesigned from an air variable capacitor to a potentiometer and varactor for tuning. When the pot got scratchy, tuning went to hell. A squirt with potentiometer worked for a while, but the problem came back. The 3 is a “no go” as far as I am concerned. Just wish the SR-2 could tune up to 1700kHz. Oh well.

  3. Chuck Rippel

    Jan 7, 2024-

    A number of folks have written, asking if I have any radios to sell. Every now and again, there is a model 1 or model 2 (they are electrically identical) that I offer for sale.

    However, there is a better approach to obtaining a restored SR-1 or 2. Go up on E-Bay and look for a nice GE SR and have the seller ship it to me after you purchase it. Make SURE the seller encloses a note with your purchase with your name and contact information so I know to whom the radio belongs.

    This one caught my eye and would be a worthy candidate for restoration and to add to a collection:
    It’s also an excellent example of a decent SR being sold 2nd hand.

    Couple things to watch for. Shipping charges in excess of $20. Save for coast to coast or a rural area, $20 is about the reasonable limit. Many of the radios are picked up by people wandering through estate sales, thrift shops, garage sales, etc…. who have no idea what they are buying. Many see “GE Super Radio” and put it on E-Bay simply because the radio carries the “Super Radio” label. I would guess that is why there are so many Super Radio model 3’s on E-Bay. Those were made by RCA with a GE label printed on them but their performance is sub-par to the model 1 or 2.

    Finally, if you have a SR-1 or 2 you’d like me to work on, drop a note and I’ll send you back a 2 page FAQ. It outlines what will be done, how to ship it and pricing which includes a couple of options from which to choose. Please read and understand the FAQ before shipping. If you decide to send it, please do it promptly and let me know it’s coming. I ask you to include your POC information with the radio and that’s best done on a word processor or note pad then printed. Sometimes, handwritten script is a bit difficult to read. I’ve gotten radios with no return address or POC sent from a UPS store, (who does that go back to?) There are a few options from which to choose and I strongly recommend 1, having Conformal Coating applied to the solder side of the PCB’s. Solder is hydroscopic and can absorb moisture over time and we won’t get into battery acid. My conformal coating is similar to the “MFP” process used on certain mil-spec electronics save that unlike MFP, I only apply coating to the solder side of the board. A board treated to MFP has both sides coated.

    Ok, now a general question. I created a page where those interested in the 2 GE Super Radios can share their experiences. The initial invitations went out, give it a couple days but if you did not get one and are interested, drop me a note. My e-mail address is in several location on this blog .

    1. Bob Wolak

      Hi Chuck
      I have three GE Superadios, they all make a humming noise. One is model number 7-2887A. Do you still repair these?


  4. Liam Codd

    I recently sent my GE-S1 radio to Chuck for service, and I couldn’t be happier with the results. I’m amazed at how well it’s performing now – I don’t think it’s ever sounded this great! I thought my FM was great before but now it’s amazing. If you need your radio to look and sound like new, Chuck is definitely your go-to guy.

  5. Chuck Rippel

    Hi all, it’s the holiday season and what better way to add enjoyment than with traditional music over your Super Radio.

    CKZM, also known as “Zoomer Radio” on 740 AM out of Toronto not only has great evening programming, but they have a huge night time footprint and most of you should be able to hear it. They are like an FM station here, some 550 miles south of the station.

    Here is the foot print:

    I’ll put a link to their www site in the comments.

    1. Bob Seigel

      Was wondering if you could recommend a shop or someone reputable to buy a GE super radio ? I realize you also repair and recap do you happen to have any available for sale? Thank you.

  6. Robert L Killam


    1. Tom G. ABQ

      Hi Robert, it’s probably better to contact Chuck via the e-mail address above. In my experience an intermittent switch as you describe can be corrected with a cleaning. Sometimes the switch need to be disassembled to do so and sometimes not.

      BTW I took advantage of Chuck’s recapping service on my SRII and I’m glad I did. The radio performs better than new now.

    2. Chuck Rippel

      Best to drop me a note at If you have the newer switch assy, it’s largely plastic and is the one famous for breaking when the cabinet of the radio is taken apart. That said, it may the older, metal power switch which can be cleaned with Cramolin. Going back to the plastic switch, I have successfully changed that version of the switch with the older metal version. The chassis must be modified internally (you won’t be able to tell a physical difference) but it’s possible.

      If interested, please write me and I’ll make sure I have a power switch for you. The change is included in the restore process / price I will send.

  7. TheZ

    Can you do a Radio Shack Optimus 12-604. It looks like a Superadio with the old TV bands from Channel 2 thru 69

    1. Chuck Rippel

      I stick to the GE Super Radio Model I and Model II as I have parts and documentation for those 2 models. RCA made the model III and it’s nearly impossible to remove the circuit boards to install the new capacitors, access the alignment points, etc…. due to the tuning mechanism. I’ve worked on 3 successfully but the process is exceptionally tenuous.

      I just got done with a Realistic DX-150A, re-cap, re-align, cabinet re-finish and modification of the power supply to make it a choke input circuit v/s the stock capacitive. Result is there is zero 120 cycle hum the DX150 and 160 are known for. Not bad receivers even though they are single conversion.

      1. Mark Wilkins


      2. Robert McFadyen

        I have successfully put Nichicon audio grade capacitors in the 2887- A , and it was a bit time consuming . AM sensitivity fell off moderately below 900 kHz and above 1600 kHz . The low AM band not being that sensitive in this scenario is near impossible to solve , without trade offs mid to high – band . After great effort with a Univetsity (U.K.) signal generator and Oscilliscope on hand . Birdies appear in a few spots on the AM band but cannot be removed . The FM band was reasonable but had slight SWR image response ratio deficiencies . I have previously had the 2880B , and it was easier to service , align and optimise although not quite as sensitive as the Superadio 3 if both sets are compared at their peak AM frequencies . The FM was quite good though .I am picking up a 2890B on Monday and will service it before Christmas .

  8. Philip Meyers

    Hello Chuck! I have a GE super radio 1. The reception is good but it lacks a strong volume that was once louder years ago. I’m not concerned much of the appearance because I use it as my work radio. I believe it needs new caps in the audio circuit but, your the best one to fix that problem from my research. Can you please send me an estimate about the repair? Thanks

    1. Chuck Rippel

      I believe the SR Model I’s sound the best, to my ears anyway. They are electrically identical to the model 2’s albeit without the factory-installed tweeter.

      Drop me a note, we’ll set you up.

  9. Tom

    Mr. Rippel took my GE SR2 and literally turned it into a near-mint radio. Switch rebuilding and cleaning, capacitor replacements, power switch replacement, speaker replaced, all old parts were returned to me, and the entire unit completely detailed out.
    I highly recommend his service.

    1. SGT

      Is RCA still making those parts? I thought everything was surface mount devices nowadays. Or are there limits on what SMD can do?

  10. Wm Fusfield

    Do they also do Sony icf2010 mods. I’ve had almost every SW radio made in the last 50 years, and the Sony outperforms every one of them up to the Drake R8b. MW reception on the stock 2010 is however marred by the use of an RF filter that is too wide to keep out interfence from the adjacent channel. If you are into MXL or MXDXing you will need to switch out the stock filter for something narrower like a Kiwa.

  11. JOe Schierer

    It is great that this service is now available. Out of curiosity, does the newer C Crane EP Pro /CCRadio IIe / CCRadio III outperform the Ge Superadios, or are the Superadios still superior in some way? I also gather that Chuck is using top notch components, so perhaps after his repairs, the radios are now Super – Superadios?

  12. Peat

    This is good news! It’s a shame Chuck only works on 1’s & 2’s. I have a very good example of the SR 3 and I’d love to see what he could do with it. Perhaps I should look for a decent SR 2 on eBay.

  13. Tom G. ABQ

    Chuck did his magic on my GE-SR2 in December 2021 after reading about his service offering on The SWLing Report. I always thought my stock radio performed very well especially on AM. Chuck took it to the next level. He gave it a good alignment and the cap upgrade really made the audio come alive.

    My advice is, “Just Do It.”


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