Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Grayhat, who shares the following:
The RME-6900: A Nice Boat Anchor from the sixties

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Let me start by thanking my dear friend Kostas (SV3ORA) since he was the one who sent me a link to the rig asking me if I liked it, and you bet, as soon as I saw the image I loved that rig; the receiver I’m talking about is the RME-6900 and the link Kostas sent me is the following one:
Now, just look at that front panel, the design is a classic and somewhat resembles the Hammarlund and Collins ones from the same period, reading the information via the above link, and some others found on the internet:
The receiver doesn’t seem to be “top notch” yet, it’s a good one, and I really love the look and the “drum dial” at the top, also, the RME has an interesting history; it was founded by two hams and later on, after a merge with Electrovoice, it gave birth to the TEN-TEC company. RME apparently was only active for a relatively short timeframe and built rigs in pretty low quantity
Bottom line, do you have any further information about this receiver (or even own one)–?
I’m also curious to know if I’m alone or if someone else here likes its look as much as I do.
Hi Thomas, At the Huntsville hamfest this past year, a RME 6900 followed me home. Fast forward to now when I decided to clean it up and replace the electrolytics. While removing the radio from the cabinet, I found a envelope between the chassis and cabinet labeled ‘packing slip’. Inside the envelope was the original packing slip for the radio. It was an order for three RME 6900s. The serial numbers were 612, 619, and 621. I have Serial number 621. The packing slip was dated 3/23/61. I wish I knew who had ordered these receivers but that part of the packing slip was not available. But my guess is it was a store selling ham gear.
Wow! That’s amazing, Ron! What a treasure!
In the early 70’s one of my Elmers…W9GDI had an RME69. Must’ve been of some quality..he made CW DXCC honor roll . I would’ve loved to have one myself….
According to Fred Osterman’s Shortwave Receivers Past and Present 2nd edition, RME = Radio Manufacturing Engineers Company, Inc. of Buchanan, MI in 1953. Their largest seller was the RME 69, from 1936-1940. I have had at one time or another the RME 45B ( 1947 general coverage10-tube superhet with amateur band spread); RME 84 (1946-1949 general coverage 8-tube superhet with no band spread); and the and the RME 4300 (1955-1957, 160 -10 meter amateur bands (double conversion for the first time), 8-tube superhet). There were 2 follow-on models in the 4300 series, the 4350 and the 4350A. RME also made a DB22A preselector and a 10-6-2 meter converter in the early 1950s, and an optional SSB detector and a crystal calibrator for the 4300 series receivers.
So the 6900 model is late 1950s to 1962 vintage?
Who was the customer for such high $ and high performance?
NSA ? Military ?
that’s an interesting point and also something I suspected, low volume, good quality …. and almost NO infos … worth some “investigation” but that brought me ti o dead ends (ok almost) 😀
Sure a nice looking radio! Interesting bit about changing the AM bandwidth in this video
(FWIW on a receiver that only covers parts of a few BC bands, used on a continent where hams don’t use AM anymore):
Knobs and switches and dials, oh my!
I think I just violated a couple of commandments.
Nice rig.
Cheers, Jock
Hi Jock, yes, it’s definitely a rig I’d like to own 🙂 and… did you see this video ?
Gteat post
Thank you very much.
Posts like this help us to learn more about classic and vintage receivers.
I’ve never heard of RME – though of course I know of TenTec.
Interesting to learn that TenTec grew out of RME.
I too like the look.
It has that ‘professional’ look that receivers of that vintage often aspire to, many receivers of the period and earlier went for that grey finish and the bells and whistles layout of knobs and dials.
With thanks for sharing.
My exact feelings!