(Source: Pete Madtone)It’s heavy on radio transmissions this month with the return of DJ Frederick’s Free Radio Skybird on Sunday 20th September at 1100 UTC (12 Noon UK time) on 6070 kHz shortwave via Channel 292 (and repeated the week after.) If you haven’t got a suitable radio it can also be heard on the SDR link on their site here. The first programme will feature DJ Frederick, Justin Patrick Moore’s Radiophonic Laboratory and our very own One Deck Pete with his “Who’d be a pirate” mix. 49 metres is again where it’s all at!
Also Sunday 27th September 2020 (and repeated the week after) at 1800 UTC (7pm UK time) on 3955 kHz via Channel 292 is the final transmission of Radio Lavalamp. The ultimate programme of the year will feature One Deck Pete with his The Purple Nucleus of Creation 003 mix. Tune in to “Your ethereal shortwave music station” on 3955 kHz or this link here when the time is right! #Freeradioskybird #radiolavalamp #shortwavesnotdead
Tag Archives: Pete Polanyk
Radio Lavalamp: Sunday, August 9th and 16th, 2020
(Source: Pete Madtone)
Tune in to DJ Frederick’s Radio Lavalamp on Sunday 9th August 2020 (and repeated the week after) at 2200 UTC (11pm UK time) on 3955 kHz via Channel 292.The transmission from will feature One Deck Pete with a mix called The Purple Nucleus of Creation 002 featuring this great tune from Drowsii (below), Nayl, Tabitha Project, Seventh Soul & Homayoun Shajarian and Camille Murray. Tune in to “Your ethereal shortwave music station” on 3955 kHz or this link here when the time is right! #radiolavalamp #shortwavesnotdead
Radio Lavalamp broadcast on July 12, 2020
Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Pete Madtone who shares the following announcement from Radio Lavalamp:
Can you pass the ham radio test?
Tune in to DJ Frederick’s Radio Lavalamp on Sunday 12th July at 2200 UTC (11pm UK time) on 3955 kHz via Channel 292. The transmission will feature amongst other things One Deck Pete with a mix called The Purple Nucleus of Creation 001 featuring Carlos Pizzetti, Zane Moss, Julie Østengaard, Mahamboro, Blundetto and this great tune below from 100th Monkey.
Tune in to Radio Lavalamp, your ethereal shortwave music station on 3955.
#shortwavesnotdead #radiolavalamp #Thepurplenucleusofcreation001
Free Radio Skybird: June 21 & 28, 2020
SWLing Post contributor, Pete Madtone just shared the Free Radio Skybird graphic above announcing their broadcasts on Sunday, June 21st (today), and repeated on Sunday, June 28th, 2020 at 1100 UTC on 6070 kHz (Channel292). Thanks for the heads-up, Pete!
Free Radio Skybird: June 7 & 14, 2020
SWLing Post contributor, Pete Madtone just shared the Free Radio Skybird graphic above announcing their broadcasts on Sunday, June 7th, and repeated on Sunday, June 14th, 2020 at 1100 UTC on 6070 kHz (Channel292). Thanks for the heads-up, Pete!
Free Radio Skybird: May 24 & 31, 2020
SWLing Post contributor, Pete Madtone just shared the Free Radio Skybird graphic above announcing their broadcasts on Sunday, May 24th, and repeated on Sunday, May 31st, 2020 at 1100 UTC on 6070 kHz (Channel292). Thanks again for another excellent show graphic Pete! We look forward to tuning in!
Free Radio Skybird: May 10 & 17, 2020
As you can see on Pete Madtone’s graphic above, Free Radio Skybird will be on the air Sunday, May 10th, and repeated on Sunday, May 17th, 2020 at 1100 UTC on 6070 kHz (Channel292).
Thanks for the tip, Pete! Love those FRS graphics!