Tag Archives: Tim Brockett

2023 World Radio Day Notes: RTVA, message to RRI, and Radios to Ukraine


Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Tracy Wood, who notes:

RTVA celebrated World Radio Day with this news story. The first person interviewed in the clip is Josep Maria Samper who happened to be the great RTVA engineer/ tourguide for antendees of EDXC 2019. (He has since retired.)


(The language is Catalan.)

Not shown in this clip, a live theatre/review was also performed in a previous evening at the former Radio Andorra transmitter plant; RTVA newscast viewers could clearly see the old HF transmitters in the background…

Radio and Peace: Tim’s Essay for RRI

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Tim Brockett, who writes:

Hello Thomas,
Radio Romania recently requested that listeners submit comments on the topic “Radio and Peace”. Radio Romania selected several submissions and read them on their North American broadcast on February 12, 2023 UTC at 04:50. I was honored to hear that they enjoyed my short essay and read it over the air:

Radio and Peace

Shortwave radio presents a unique opportunity to engage listeners and build pathways for understanding other cultures. Like reading a book, listening to the radio involves just one sense. Thus it is possible for the undistracted listener to be completely immersed in the broadcast. If the broadcast is educational, cultural, and fact-based the listener may devote 100% of their attention to that show. If encouraged, the listener may also request a QSL which is a valuable opportunity for the broadcaster to communicate with them again. The listener’s curiosity may be piqued about a particular subject they can later research. Or they may store away their colorful QSLs and/or pleasant memories of tuning into a faraway station until they have a chance to visit the country they spent so many hours listening to.

Just as the author of a good book can form a lifelong bond with the reader, so can shortwave radio. I am amazed at the number of listeners who started with shortwave half a century ago and are often featured on DX program segments. DXers frequently mourn long-gone radio stations as they do close friends who have passed on. Shortwave radio is a powerful medium that can emotionally connect with listeners for many decades.

Shortwave radio can vastly broaden the horizons of individuals around the world. Radios are inexpensive and broadcasts reach every point on the globe. Powerful broadcasts cross international borders with ease. Radio frequently offers a voice different from what the listener hears in their local community. That can lead to a deeper understanding of distant countries and cultures. Better understanding and the freedom to hear new ideas is a building block for the antonym of war; peace.

Radios to Ukraine

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Paul Jamet, who writes:

Hi Thomas,

Following World Radio Day on the theme “Radio & Peace”, I draw your attention to this article online on the Radioworld website: http://www.radioworld.com

Portable radios take overseas trip to Ukraine, local fundraising continues

I am aware that this is a politically very sensitive subject… But I wonder why the receiver that is distributed does not allow listening to short waves? Nowadays, there are affordable receivers that allow shortwave listening

This example is a good illustration of the indispensable role that radio still plays in today’s world.

Kind regards.


Many thanks to Tracy, Tim, and Paul for sharing these World Radio Day items!


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Tim recommends shortwave pirate “Ballsmacker Radio”

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Tim Brockett, who writes:

Good Morning Thomas.

I enjoy receiving your daily posts. They are informative, helpful and sometimes enlightening.

I wanted to alert you to a change in frequency for Ballsmacker Radio.

I tuned into them on Friday, March 26 at 6960 kHz. They came in well at Willow Beach, Arizona which is just south of Las Vegas, Nevada. The broadcast started at 01:00 UTC and ended at 02:25 UTC.

Ballsmacker is a pirate station that airs from “somewhere in the northeast” in the USA. He uses just 200 watts but has a great frequency and time. I have routinely picked him up in Willow Beach.

His website is at https://ballsmacker.net/

He welcomes reception reports and sends out eQSLs that appear to be different for each week. He broadcasts once a week at 01:00 UTC. You can also stream past shows from his website. The theme of last night’s show was “luck”. Each song had something to do with chance or luck. Most of the show is popular music from the 20th century. The music is interspersed with station IDs, email and website addresses.

His email is ballsmacker@protonmail.com

Hope this assists with your fine work.

Tim Brockett

Thanks so much, Tim! You’re right: Ballsmacker Radio puts out a great signal and certainly offers up proper music variety! Thanks again for sharing your tip!

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