Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dan Greenall, who writes:
Hi Thomas
Back in the 1970’s, I used to enjoy hunting for “utility” radio stations outside the regular SWBC bands. When I came across a copy of the Utility DXer’s Handbook from 1971 recently on eBay, I couldn’t resist purchasing it. I have since made a page on for it to help preserve this unique piece of radio history. Anyone interested can follow this link and take a look at the world of utility radio as it was over 50 years ago.
Also, I have included links to some of the recordings and QSL’s from these stations that I have set up on the Internet Archive.
- The Utility DXer’s Handbook (1971)
- Vintage PTT stations 1970’s part 1
- Vintage PTT stations 1970’s part 2
- Vintage PTT stations 1970’s part 3
- A.T. and T. voice mirrors 1970’s
- Cable and Wireless voice mirrors 1970’s
- Tropical Radio Telegraph Company voice mirrors 1970’s
- France Cables and Radio Company (Africa) 1970’s
- French Telecommunications Service 1970’s
- Utility Radio QSL cards
- Utility Radio QSL letters
- Prepared Form Card (PFC) QSL’s
Wow, Dan! What a utility DXing treasure trove you’ve created on Thank you for sharing these resources and recordings with us!