RAE Antenna farm (Source: RAE)
Many thanks to Luis Maria Barassi (RAE Director) and Adrian Korol (RAE Executive Advisor) for sharing the following press release:
A new stage begins in the history of RAE, that will transform from RAE-RADIODIFUSION ARGENTINA AL EXTERIOR to RAE- ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD, updating the identity of our international signal.
Among the news to share, there’s the decision to maintain presence on the shortwave frequencies of 15345 and 11710 KHZ, which are broadcast from the transmission plant located in General Pacheco. Currently, we’re facing some technical problems with regard to modulation, but we’ll face the challenge of fixing this and increase our presence on the shortwaves.
We’ll keep on transmitting in eight languages, now with a homogenous programming, that will be coherent with regard to contents, with the specific contribution of each language considering particular characteristics. RAE’s new stage will feature programs Mondays through Mondays.
Each language will have a daily 55-minute broadcast on the shortwaves, with one daily re-run.
In addition, the daily show will be available on the new website of RAE, where the program will be on streaming 24 hours a day.
Specific applications for RAE will be developed for mobile devices and on a second stage, podcasts and RAE content broadcast by local stations in other countries. The most recent shows will also be available to download on demand.
Another innovation are the six channels of Argentine music available on RAE’s website, organized by genre: Tango, Folk, Rock, Pop, Jazz and Classical, that will play music 24 hours, with playlist in constant expansion and a radio sound, that’s to say, with a presentation of songs, that will provide additional data about the tunes.
This way, listeners will be able to enjoy at any time of the day the best works by artists such as Charly Garcia, Yupanqui, Piazzolla, Sandro, Malosetti, La Camerata Bariloche, announced in various languages, with a radio format. This is part of the new design of what we call DIGITAL RAE.
The daily programs of RAE cover various topics developed jointly by the new production team of RAE as well as the language teams. After the news bulletin, with the inclusion of music and bite-sized features about various topics.
In addition, we’ll now have a new interval ID signal.
The schedule for our station in all languages now will be:
MONDAY: Our Football/Argentine Tango
TUESDAY: Argentines Without Borders / La Folklórica
WEDNESDAY: The Conversation/Argentine Roads
THURSDAYS: Welcome/Science and Technology
FRIDAYS: Multi-Sports Center/Histories in Common
On Saturdays, a SUMMARY OF THE WEEK will be broadcast, followed by ACTUALIDAD DX.COM.AR, the new segment dedicated to DXing, radio, media and information technology.
This program will be produced and presented in Spanish by ARNALDO SLAEN and RAE’S director, LUIS MARIA BARASSI, featuring news about radio and technologies applied to communication, plus audio files, interviews, etcetera. The program will have an average duration of 25-30 minutes.
This format will be broadcast also on various languages and will not only be available on RAE’s website, but also in the spaces dedicated to DX-related content on the web.
Finally, Sundays will be the day of program THE BRIDGE, a weekly space focused on the contact with listeners, music and interviews. The show will also pay homage to classics of international broadcasting such as the STATION OF JOY and similar programs that left their mark in the history of international radio.
The support of all DXing colleagues, radio ham enthusiasts and fans of the Short Waves is paramount, in order to spread their messages, emphasize the importance of the shortwaves as well as the need to increase the presence on various bands, complementing digital content.
A new stage begins for RAE, ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD, with many ideas and challenges ahead, a phase in which the participation of all sectors linked to our field will be key for our growth and for the steps that will follow.
It’s important to underline that after many years of being practically ignored by various administrations, the new stage of Radio Nacional, under director Ana Gerschenson, and Deputy Director Pablo Ciarliero, includes a project for RAE, with the participation of the excellent and historic professionals of RAE, plus the arrival of experts in digital content and with the incorporation of Adrián Korol, who, beyond his renown for his work in Radio and TV, is a passionate DXer and Radio Ham fan.
Over the next few days, we’ll release the definitive schedule, with timetables, frequencies and targeted zones for all languages.
The launch of this new phase will be next October 5 at 7PM, at the Auditorium of Radio Nacional Buenos Aires. We let you know, as well, that next week a definitive timetable will be released. It’s clear that all ideas, proposals and specially the dissemination to this news will be greatly appreciated.
73 & DX
Luis Maria Barassi – Director
Adrian Korol – Executive Advisor
In their German program they announced today (friday) that there will be no RAE transmissions during this weekend. So may be they will air Radio Nacional domestic programs on saturday and sunday instead as they have done before?
It is a wise decision of RAE to keep shortwave. Look at some of the other “smaller” international broadcasters and what happened to them after they left shortwave and concentrated on web broadcasting: They lost many of their listeners and have difficulties to find new ones.
The web is a medium mainly for reading/writing, looking at pictures and watching videos, and much less for radio. I am not saying that I do not enjoy listening to interesting radio programs from far away places on the web. But as soon as I am out of reach of my local WLAN there´s only independent shortwave left for getting views from other parts of our globe.
So, RAE, thank you for staying independent by staying on shortwave, thank you for caring about your listeners!
For me, I refuse to pay a monthly fee for unlimited internet which would allow me to stream audio and movies, I don’t want the recurring monthly cost! I use the money saved to invest and/or buy better radio anti-noise antennas!! So, anything that boosts radio listening is a positive in my view. I hope RAE can overcome the budgetary obstacles and make this mixture work in a digitizing world.
I was happy to wake up to this good news. I listen when I can on 15345 Mhz. in california, USA. There are those of us here in the good ole US, who have no or very poor, internet.
Dear Friends:
Greetings from Buenos Aires, Argentina. In this new chapter we want to integreat hertz and bits. So, we´ll try to keep shortwave working (it´s no easy, you know) adding digital enviroments &TICS. Web, social networks, and mobile apps are comming. The 6 argentine music digital channels, with radio format and textures, are not the DXers way, but they can listen our music too. Hi!
For DXERS the shortwaves, ACTUALIDAD DX.COM.AR saturday show, new QSL CARD and eQSL.
Thanks a lot for your comments.
Adrian Korol
RAE – Argentina al Mundo
Dear Mr Adrian Korol,
Warm Greetings from Kolkata, India. I’m glad to learn about the ushering in of a new ‘digital’ era in the international radio broadcasting from RAE. Please don’t pay heed to sceptics. They’ll always be there raising fingers at new endeavors. I’m a shortwave radio listener and DXer for almost 20 years. In this present era when international radio broadcasters are following the trend of closing their shortwave broadcast outlets in the name of – cutting funds, lack of listenership and ‘moving ahead with time’ RAE’s decision to go for a complete makeover is much appreciated. Progress to me should be ‘inclusive’ in nature. And that’s what, I guess, RAE is trying to do! All the best! The program line-up looks very interesting. The program for the DXers would definitely be an icing on the cake! I hope an English version fo the programs would be made available too on the website (for non-Spanish speakers) I look forward to hearing RAE – Argentina To The World on shortwave soon. 73s
Dear Mr Korol,
Warm Greetings from Kolkata, India. I’m glad to learn about the ushering in of a new ‘digital’ era in international radio broadcasting from RAE. Please don’t pay heed to sceptics. They’ll always be there raising fingers at new endeavors. I’m a shortwave radio listener and DXer for almost 20 years. In this present era when international radio broadcasters are following the trend of closing their shortwave broadcast outlets in the name of – fund cuts, lack of listenership and ‘moving ahead with time’ RAE’s decision to go for a complete makeover is much appreciated. Progress to me should be ‘inclusive’ in nature. And that’s what, I guess, RAE is trying to do! All the best! The program for the DXers would definitely be an icing on the cake! I hope an English version fo the programs would be made available too on the website (for non-Spanish speakers) I look forward to hearing RAE – Argentina To The World on shortwave soon. 73s
Trying to send you a reception report from New Jersey. I cant seem to find your email address
I do not agree with Keith Perron comments, still thousands of people listen to SW on the third world, here in Brazil we have Radio Nacional da Amazonia and it covers about 60,000,000 of inhabitants and thousands of them are benefited with these transmissions, including me. I would like to say to Keith please I can see he is very pessimist and negativist about SW.
Great news. Now if they could get their friends in Brazil to work on their modulation as well…
Sound like they are making a station for DXERS. Wait and see what happens when people start asking questions.
It does not seem to be the case. It’s true that they confirm to be committed to shortwave, but apparently even more to the internet, with the streaming and the Argentine music. Let’s wait and see, I very much hope they will go through.
You are right