Saturday night, after listening to some Voice of Greece Jazz, I happened upon Radio Strange – Outpost No. 7. This pirate deserves some recognition for the station’s homage to retro 8-bit & spacey sounds. I couldn’t tell if I was listening to an NES game soundtrack or an episode of Lost In Space. There’s even a Beatles song thrown in the mix…with a twist. Good fun.
Here’s the recording I made of the full 16 minute broadcast on 6925 kHz at approx. 00:15 UTC on Saturday, April 21:
Audio Player
Sorry, no SDR recordings here. I was just referencing a screen shot capture of the waterfall someone else had made. Maybe things will be different after that Bonito RadioJet hits the states though…
I did just get a QSL from their 1215 UTC broadcast of Sunday April 22nd though! I’ve got the ‘card’ posted over at if anyone is interested.
Thanks for posting the pirate recording! I never remember to scan the pirate band.
Thanks, Terry. I should have known this as I live near the Moog town of Asheville, NC. In March, I got the opportunity to tinker with a Mini Moog for a few days. It produces the most amazing analog sounds.
Those are old Moog recordings, far predating NES. One of the tracks is Hot Butter’s 1972 cover of the song Popcorn.
Yes! I saw that too, Tim. May have to dig through the recording and post a link to it. Send me yours, if you like.
I heard them here in Central Iowa as well. Definitely a very unique and enjoyable station. I’ve seen screen shots of their sign-off on the waterfall, where the signal sort of bows out, kind of like a stone being dropped in a pond. Strange indeed!