Monthly Archives: November 2013

Radio Romania International celebrates 85 years on the air

RRI-RadioRomaniaInternationalTo celebrate 85 years on the air, RRI is asking their listeners: “How do you see the future of international radio broadcasting?”

Send your response and RRI might read it on the air during their November 3rd, 2013 broadcast.  Read full details below.

(Source: Radio Romania International)

On November 1, 2013 we celebrate 85 years of Romanian radio broadcasting. An anniversary that we take pride in, that we think about more or less nostalgically, and which brings questions about the future.

It is an occasion for Radio Romania International to challenge you, on this year’s Listener’s Day, to answer the question “How do you see the future of international radio broadcasting?”

Ever since its first days, radio broadcasting has been subject to countless tests, on the one hand prompted by the changes in the media landscape, such as the growth of television, the development of private radio stations, the emergence of the Internet and of social networks, and on the other hand triggered by the diversifying means of reception and transmission. In response, the radio outputs and contents have also changed. Radio broadcasting and reception modernized.

Political factors, regime changes and wars also influenced the mission and programmes of radio stations, while economic factors, such as the periods of economic growth or slumps, have affected the number of stations and their broadcasts. International stations have been subject to all these influences, just like all other radio stations.

This is why, dear listeners, we invite you to tell us how you think international radio stations will develop in the coming years, and what your expectations are in this respect. What will the global supply of programmes for foreign audiences look like, and how large will it be? What means of transmission will be used by most international broadcasters? What will be the role of radio stations for foreign listeners, in a world where access to information is ever easier?

We are looking forward to your answers to the question “What will be the future of international radio broadcasting?” and will award the most interesting 20 contributions.

As usual, it is based on your answers that we will produce the “Listener’s Day” programme on RRI, aired on the first Sunday in November, that is November 3rd this year. You can send your answers in audio format, or in writing, via email, regular mail or fax, on Facebook or using the form on our website. Our contact details are: Radio Romania International, 60-64 General Berthelot Street, sector 1, Bucharest, PO Box 111, code 010165, fax no., email [email protected].

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CCrane’s latest shortwave radio: The CC Skywave, to ship in January

This image of the CC Skywave, clipped from the CCrane online catalog

This image of the CC Skywave, clipped from the CCrane online catalog

I just received my paper copy of the C.Crane catalog in the mail and noticed an announcement for their latest shortwave portable, the CC Skywave.

Here is the catalog description:

“The Skywave is the ultimate travel radio with great AM/ FM, Shortwave, Aviation and Weather. Performance is excellent and it is small and easy to use.

Stuck at the airport and nobody will tell you why? How about using a radio to tune into the control tower or the ground crew? If you are a bit paranoid it is good to know that nobody can track your radio listening!

Using a smart phone in another country is very expensive. With this radio you will learn more about the country you are in and the wonderful programs they have to offer.”

I hope to get a radio for review as soon as production units begin to ship in January. I’m always looking for the ultimate travel radio.

Update: Click here to read a full review of the CC Skywave.

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