Helliniki Radiophonia on 9,420 kHz or 9,415 kHz?

GreeceSWLing Post reader, Mark Clark writes:

“Tuned [to Helliniki Radiophonia] during band scan at 0110 UT. It was playing 1970s rock music like Love is Like Oxygen by Sweet and Evil Woman by ELO. Male announcer speaking in Greek between each song. Initial signal strength was weak SIO 233 on PL-880 and PL-380. Also weak and noisy on University of Twente Websdr. Switched to local Perseus with Wellbrook antenna. Reception improved from SIO 443 to SIO 555 during recording of 100 kHz wide RF from 0126 to 0140.

Observation showed carrier on 9415 with nothing on assigned 9420 kHz as per Aoki and EiBi. Switched back to PL-880 as signal had improved to SIO 555. PL-880 with internal whip provided easy copy from 0140 to 0145 when signal suddenly dropped out. Signal returned several seconds later but decidedly not on 9415. Tuning to 9420 restored clear strong signal. Verified via local Perseus receiver that carrier was now on 9420 with no carrier at 9415. Same male announcer was noted between songs at 0153. University of Twente Websdr also showed same shift. Ended reception at 0154 UT.”

Many thanks for this detailed listener report, Mark.  Indeed, several of us have noted Helliniki Radiophonia on 9,415 occasionally. Last year, I made all-night recordings where RH remained on 9,415 the entire time.

I have no idea why RH is hopping between 9,415 and 9,420 kHz. Initially, I thought this may be due to the fact that they were silent on 9,420 for an extended perios of time last year and Voice Of Islamic Republic of Iran, who shares the same frequency, seemed to take its place. I even had a few readers note that when Helliniki Radiophonia returned to 9,420 kHz, interference from Iran was substantial and the occasional move to 9,415 kHz was, perhaps, to obtain a clear frequency.

In truth, though, this is speculation; is this frequency shift deliberate or accidental? Do any SWLing Post readers have a definitive answer?

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9 thoughts on “Helliniki Radiophonia on 9,420 kHz or 9,415 kHz?

  1. Arthur K.

    At 20:40 GMT received The Voice of Greece in Sydney, Australia on 14.200 Mhz
    The signal varied between 3 and 9 + 20db S units with quite a bit atmospheric noise. A bit more transmitter power would help as, 170 kws are just ok but not great. Most Asian stations, mainly Chinese, transmit with 500 kw power in the South Pacific!
    Receivers here: Yaesu FRG – 7000 and TECSUN S-2000 with a small dipole antenna tuned for 28 Mhz. and with the help of an antenna tuner, the Yaesu FC – 700.
    Great to hear the Greek broadcaster being back on the air again!

  2. Dmitry

    Hi friends!
    Wanted to ask a broadcast on Voice of Greece abroad, there is at the moment?
    Elliniki Radiofonia as I understand it is the local broadcast programs there basically music.

    1. Thomas Post author

      Hi, Dmitry,

      Unfortunately, the Voice of Greece is no more. Fortunately, ERT Open / Elliniki Radiofonia is still broadcast on most of the old VOG frequencies. There is no true external service of Greece, only relays of the above networks.

  3. manolis

    try to tune 11645 khz or 15630 khz..some times usually on saturday and sunday in morning you can receive helliniki radiophonia.i can receive these frequencies in greece. i live in crete island!

    1. Moshe Ze'ev Zaharia

      Hi Manolis!

      Your absolutly right!, these frequencies are in daily use, and also 9935kHz.
      Most of them are received loud and clear here in Israel, but on 9420kHz the audio is the best.
      Sadly, I don’t speak greek, but I love this language and I love the music, so I listen to HR/VOG daily.

      All The Best,

  4. Moshe Ze'ev Zaharia

    Hi Thomas!

    Indeed, during last month, HR(VOG) has moved back and forth between 9420kHz and 9415kHz. at one time, the carrier was peaked at 9414kHz.
    I guess this is a spare transmitter in use while servicing the main transmitter.

    Best Regards,

    1. Thomas Post author

      You may be right, Moshe!

      I was just noting to a friend recently that many South American stations broadcast slightly off frequency–perhaps a kHz or two. Never 5 kHz, though. Perhaps ERT has 9415 held as a tune-up/testing location.


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