Thursday night at 00:00 UTC, I was pleased to hear the interval signal of one of my favorite pirate radio stations: Radio Casablanca.
“Rick Blaine” fired up his AM transmitter and pumped out some amazing WWII era music on 6,940 kHz for well over one hour and a half. This is the first time I’ve been able to catch Radio Casablanca in well over a year (click here to listen to previous recordings).
Close your eyes and imagine what it must have been like to hear the great bands of the era over the shortwaves…
Click here to download an MP3 of the full recording, or simply listen via the embedded player below:
While not actual Shortwave, this organization out of Britain plays 1940s era music along with era-specific public service broadcasts relating to the war. One time I heard a PS recording asking boys 12 and up to monitor the shortwaves and report any German-language transmissions. Also product advertisements from the US of the time during one of the American segments. The music is what was played primarily in England at the time, but do feature some American input as well. Great station!
Oh, Robert, I’m a HUGE fan of the UK 1940s radio station! Indeed, I was listening as I read your comment!
At home, I stream the UK 1940s station and transmit it through my SSTRAN AMT3000 transmitter which allows me to listen via my WWII era receivers–sounds quite authentic. Here’s a post I published about this:
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