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Want to chat? Check out the new SWLing Post Chat Room!
SWLing Post reader, CJ, recently offered to host a chat room here on our site––quite a generous offering. I’d thought about implementing a radio-themed chat room in the past, but had to be realistic about it, as my schedule simply doesn’t allow for much chat room time. Still, I like the idea of real-time conversations.
With well over 2,000 daily unique visitors to the SWLing Post alone, there is certainly a strong community that may also appreciate the chance to chat with each other in real time. To that end, I have just published a new chat room page with CJ’s code. You’ll find the page in the tabs on the SWLing Post banner above, or by clicking here:
Let me know what you think, and if you enjoy having a chat room. In the beginning there may be very little activity, but if the chat room is truly engaging for our readers, we’ll continue to offer it!
Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Stephen Cooper, who recently shared a video on the SWLing chatroom: I'm a sucker for cute radio kits, so I purchased one of these from the UK-based seller on eBay as well. There are two kit packages: one with the receiver only, another…
As a reminder: I’m calling on all SWLing Post readers and shortwave radio listeners to make a short recording (say, 30-60 seconds) of the BBC Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast and share it here at the Post (frequencies and time below). The recording can be audio-only, or even a video taken from any recording device…
(Source: Southgate ARC) Build a Secret Radio Chat Device An article in Raspberry Pi magazine MagPi by PJ Evans of Milton Keynes shows how you can build a 433 MHz radio chat device to send wireless messages without needing WiFi "Sure, WiFi is all well and good, but is it…
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6 thoughts on “Want to chat? Check out the new SWLing Post Chat Room!”
Is this a dead website? Chat says “Server not found”
New to site (sort of ) and first time to interact with site. May be only time—after 10 yrs of loving my little Grundig G5, it finally croaked . Now looking for new radio, and everyone was very helpful and not a bit mean or snarky to me, an obvious permanent novice…. and…..a girl. So…..regarding chat…..Thank you!
Is this a dead website? Chat says “Server not found”
Yes, that server is no more. We are looking into alternatives! Thanks!
Hi from Michigan
Does anyone know where I might find an XM antenna for my E1?
New to site (sort of ) and first time to interact with site. May be only time—after 10 yrs of loving my little Grundig G5, it finally croaked . Now looking for new radio, and everyone was very helpful and not a bit mean or snarky to me, an obvious permanent novice…. and…..a girl.
So…..regarding chat…..Thank you!
UDXF has a IRC based chat but they are more focused on Utility listening. It will be nice to have something station oriented too!