Neil Goldstein, W2NDG, has just informed me that he’s updated his comprehensive radio kit guide which can be found at Many thanks, Neil!
The next kit I have on the table is the Sawdust Regenerative Receiver by BreadBoard Radio. Should be a lot of fun and a nice weekend project (once I have a free weekend to complete it). Still, I think I’ll check out Neil’s list to see if there are any new kits I’ve overlooked–after all, fall and winter kit-building seasons are just around the corner!
“Reciever” !!!
Surely not.
Oops! You get editor Kudos, Bill! Thanks for catching that typo. That’s what happens when you hammer out a post after finishing an 18 mile mountain bike trek! My hands were (are) still a little shaky!
(At least, that’s the excuse I tell myself.)