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One thought on “Video: 1985 BBC Monitoring Promo Video”
Early to mid 1980’s. That was a good time. Everyone smoked at their desks (there were no work stations in those days). Every desk had a stinking ash tray. Word processing was a few years away. I used an IBM Selectronic with correction tape. If you were were down-hill, you had a bottle of “white-out” as shown on the video. I’m talking about public radio in the USA during the mid-1980’s and not BBC Monitoring for the friggin’ world. Jeez. I didn’t know it so bad under Thatcher.
Early to mid 1980’s. That was a good time. Everyone smoked at their desks (there were no work stations in those days). Every desk had a stinking ash tray. Word processing was a few years away. I used an IBM Selectronic with correction tape. If you were were down-hill, you had a bottle of “white-out” as shown on the video. I’m talking about public radio in the USA during the mid-1980’s and not BBC Monitoring for the friggin’ world. Jeez. I didn’t know it so bad under Thatcher.