Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Lee Reynolds, who shares these images and notes after a recent visit to WBCQ in Monticello, Maine:
Looks as if the basic antenna construction is all done up there now.
Thank you, Lee. Wow–that is an amazing antenna! I can only image what the foundation of that tower would entail! Thank you for the updates!
3 weeks ago I used one the Nauen Antennes (number 4) for 6 hours for a European transmission on 6095 kHz. It boomed in all over Europe, Marocco, Algeria an Tunesia. Even report came in from Russia, Oekraine and Canada. If you like to see the Alliss antenna’s in Nauen rotating then have a look at my facebook page There also is a two part Video callen Telefunken – Ein Ruckblick about the history of Telefunken which is closely connected with the history of Nauen. In this video you can see the erection of such a Alliss antenne.
There are 4 count ’em 4 of these antennas at Nauen, Germany. The 9″ transmission line is said to cost $900,000 !
Do you think it was shipped by DHL?
with a small discount ?
I will settle for the assembly and erecting 425 pages manual, pdf file, I’m sure it is fascinating.
I wonder how well they work as receive antennas?
I *WANT* one for my back yard!
Ha ha! Don’t we all?