Reading an interval signal in the waterfall

I’ve been doing a lot of SWLing with the new Icom IC-705. I suppose I’ve not much to post here other than to simply say: I think Radio Exterior de España‘s interval signal looks brilliant on the ‘705 waterfall. I captured this at the end of their scheduled broadcast around 22:02 UTC today.

Of course, the audio was pretty nice, too. Their interval signal is unmistakable:

Audio Player

I’ll admit: I’m loving the native recording capabilities of the IC-705. This came straight off of the MicroSD card. Bandwidth was set to 9 kHz.

Spread the radio love

5 thoughts on “Reading an interval signal in the waterfall

  1. Croc

    I can’t help but think what the interval signal would sound like when the frequency is not tuned directly on frequency?

  2. Erik

    Man thats clean sounding. I know shortwave doesn’t always (maybe even often) doesn’t sound that great but it goes to show what a signal with some transmitting power can do when it wants to. Now I want an Icom IC-705.


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