Radio Tamazul and Radio Dabanga broadcast coordination?

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Jeff (KJ7LTU), who writes:


I was wondering if you, or your readers, know if Radio Tamazuj and Radio Dabanga are coordinating their broadcasting efforts? This last Sunday I picked up their transmission on 15550 kHz. Radio Tamazul signs off at 15:57 UTC and Radio Dabanga signs on at 15:59 UTC.

Some quick research indicates that this is the intended broadcast schedule. The times, and shared frequencies, seem to allude to a joint effort. Other than these are both Sudanese broadcasters, I can’t seem to find any additional evidence to support this. Wondering if you might be willing to put this out there to see if anyone has any information to satisfy my curiosity.

Here’s a link to the transmission for reference: Radio Tamazuj & Radio Dabanga

Again, appreciate your many contributions to our listening community!

Best Regards,

Jeff Cooper

Thank you, Jeff!

Readers: Please feel free to comment with any insight!

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6 thoughts on “Radio Tamazul and Radio Dabanga broadcast coordination?

  1. Tim Brockett

    I listened to Radio Tamazuj tonight, Feb. 13 UTC at 3:29 UTC on 7315 KhZ. The sign-on at 3:30 mentioned Radio Tamazuji several times in a few different languages. As the show went on I heard several words in English. After 04:00 UTC a few minutes of English was spoken. The subject was World Radio Day. I recorded the introduction at 3:30, noted as many details as possible for the next 30 minutes, and then emailed my reception report to email addresses I found on the web and attached to previous QSLs. The addresses are and . If I get a reply I will post it here. If anyone knows a better email to use, please post it here as well.
    The signal was loud and clear in Emigrant, Montana. SINPO was 55445. It looks like the transmitter was Issoudon, France according to

  2. RADIO645

    Klingenfuss 2023 Shortwave Frequency Guide lists Radio Tamazuj on frq.15550 @15:00 to 15:57UTC and
    15:44 to 15:54UTC. Radio Dabanga is listed on frq.15550 @16:00 to 16:57UTC and 17:00 to 17:27UTC.
    Radio Tamazuj broadcasts in ENG. from 15:44 to 15:54UTC.
    Hope this bit of information helps.

  3. Tim Brockett

    Do you have the email address you used? I often find that if I can find the right person at a station I can get a QSL.
    They are getting really hard to come by too!

  4. Tim Brockett

    Thanks for posting.
    I have listened to Radio Tamazul several times from eastern North America. Loud and clear. I emailed reception reports twice but never received a reply. I will listen to both stations on Sunday.
    Has anyone had any luck with getting a QSL or eQSL?

    1. Thomas

      Last September 11 I wrote Radio Tamazuj an email reception report with a link to a video of my sdr reception. A few hours later I wrote a similar email reception report to Radio Dabanga, because I was unsure which station I had received, and said so in my report. It was on 7315 kHz from 0420-0430 utc.

      I received an email response nine days later confirming reception of Radio Tamazuj – but from Radio Dabanga! It said that the two stations broadcast on the same 7315 frequency, both from Santa Maria di Galleria, and was signed “Dabanga team”. They said a QSL card was on the way.

      A month or so later I received a QSL card in the postal mail from Dabanga: Radio|TV|Online.


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