Category Archives: Music

Alan Roe’s A23 season guide to music on shortwave (version 3.0)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Alan Roe, who shares his A-23 (version 3.0) season guide to music on shortwave. Alan provides this amazing resource as a free PDF download:

Click here to download Music on Shortwave A-23 v3 (PDF)

As always, thank you for sharing your excellent guide, Alan!

This dedicated page will always have the latest version of Alan’s guide available for download.

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Texas Radio Shortwave via Norway’s Radio Northern Star this weekend!

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Terry Colgan (N5RTC), who shares the following announcement:

Texas Radio Shortwave Relays Norway’s Radio Northern Star on May 14

Mark your listening calendar!

At 0000 UTC on Sunday, May 14, Texas Radio Shortwave presents an hour of programming from Norway’s low-power shortwave station, Radio Northern Star.  The program will air on WRMI, 5950 kHz, from Okeechobee, Floride USA.

The Northern Star broadcasts 18-1/2 hours daily from Bergen, Norway, with 35 watts on 5895 Hz.  It’s seldom heard outside Europe.

Listeners will hear Radio Northern Star station IDs, announcements, songs from its playlist, and sign-off announcements.

Texas Radio Shortwave offers a special QSL for accurate, detailed reception reports sent to [email protected].

[Check out the QSL above.]

Best wishes and 73.

Terry Colgan N5RTC
Texas Radio Shortwave (main page)
and (listener’s group)

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Alan Roe’s A23 season guide to music on shortwave (version 1.1)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Alan Roe, who shares his A-23 (version 2) season guide to music on shortwave. Alan provides this amazing resource as a free PDF download:

Click here to download Music on Shortwave A-23 v2 (PDF)

Thank you for sharing your excellent guide, Alan!

This dedicated page will always have the latest version of Alan’s guide available for download.

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Alan Roe’s A23 season guide to music on shortwave (version 1.1)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Alan Roe, who shares his A-23 (version 1.1) season guide to music on shortwave. Alan provides this amazing resource as a free PDF download:

Click here to download Music on Shortwave A-23 v1.1 (PDF)

Thank you for sharing your excellent guide, Alan!

This dedicated page will always have the latest version of Alan’s guide available for download.

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“Tea With the Queen”

I asked the AI image-generator DALL-E 2 to create a an image based on this song title.

For those of you who attended David Goren’s Shortwave Shindig at the virtual Winter SWL Fest were treated to a song called Tea With The Queen. This was no ordinary song–as David notes:

This is what happened when I asked ChatGPT to write a country song about a trucker who has tea with Queen Elizabeth whilst they listen to BBC on shortwave radio. Then I got Chris Johnson, an extremely talented and savvy musician, to set it to music.

You can listen to “Tea With The Queen” via the embedded player below, or directly on David Goren’s Soundcloud Page.

Note that David has many more audio goodies on his website

Thanks for sharing this, David. I think it’s absolutely brilliant!

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