Tag Archives: DD1US

Modify An Icom IC-735 To Work DRM

The original IC-735 brochure.  Click to enlarge.

The original IC-735 brochure. Click to enlarge.

Are you a ham radio operator and/or SWLer that would like to dabble in DRM (Digital Radio Mondial) but don’t have a purpose-built  receiver? A friend recently brought to my attention a clearly-outlined DIY photo instructional for a modification you can make to the classic Icom IC-735 ham transceiver to add a 12 Hz downconverter and I.F. output jack.

If you’re handy with a soldering iron, view the PDF instructional created by Matthias Bopp (DD1US) for making this modification. The downconverter (along with many other DRM items) is sold by German firm, SAT-Schneider–follow this link to purchase it online for just 25 Euros.

logo_drmThough the IC-735 is primarily a ham radio transceiver, it has general coverage and makes for an exceptional shortwave broadcast receiver as well.  In fact, I have an IC-735 in my shack and use it primarily for SWLing. This unit was produced by Icom in the 1980’s; many are available now in the used market for around $325-450US. A great value for the money, especially if you also happen to be a ham.

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