Tag Archives: GP5/SSB

A high-gain ferrite bar antenna for the PL-360/PL-365 and CountyComm GP5 series


If you own a Tecsun PL-360, PL-365 or a CountyComm GP5/DSP or GP5/SSB, you might take note of this large ferrite bar antenna offered by a Greece-based seller on eBay.


As you can see in the image above, this antenna is substantially larger than the stock MW antenna supplied by the manufacturer. According to the seller, this ferrite bar antenna has a 10 – 25 db gain over the stock external antenna. I imagine its ability to null unwanted signals is also much better.

The price is about $40 US shipped internationally.

Have any SWLing Post readers ordered this antenna? If so, please share your comments/reviews.

Click here to view the antenna on eBay.

SWLing Post reader, David Korchin, also shares the following demo video on YouTube:

Many thanks to SWLing Post readers, Francis Frankenne and David Korchin for the tip!

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Dave’s review of the CountyComm GP5/SSB

GP5SSB-FrontDave Zantow (N9EWO) has just posted his review:

CountyComm GP5/SSB Pocket Portable (with SSB) Review Now Posted

Now posted up on my web page. It’s mid way down. Note : I also totally updated my Tecsun PL-360 review as well (the first top review on this same page).


Dave’s reviews are always top-notch, so you should read this one if considering the GP5/SSB. If you haven’t already, you can click here to read our recent review of the CountyComm GP5/SSB as well.

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