Tag Archives: HCJB QSL

BBC Atlantic Relay Station: John receives a surprise in the mail

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, John Cooper, who shares the following:

In today’s mail I received a big surprise. Not one, but two QSLs verifying BBC program transmission reception reports from Ascension Island that I sent them in 2014. At that time I was working on a NASWA Dx Award for verification of 50 SWBC Countries. I was able to verify Ascension Island through another station that BCed through their transmitters in 2015.

I guess it just goes to show you should never give up on hoping you can get a confirmation. I didn’t even do any follow ups because I was told BBC didn’t verify anymore. Apparently Babcock/BBC will if you give them time. It makes me wonder where the reception reports were hiding over the past three years?

That is certainly a long delay! Frankly, I’m impressed you received a response from the BBC–as you mention, they seem to no longer issue QSLs. What a great surprise.

Post readers: Anyone else have a long-delayed reply from a broadcaster?  Please comment!

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Show your favorite QSL cards in our new gallery

SWLing Post reader, Mike Taniwha, recently shared some of his QSL cards with us. With his permission, I’m posting them for other readers to view.

In fact, Mike has inspired me to start a new QSL Gallery category. Please feel free to send images of some of your most memorable QSLs, and I will share them with our readers.


Radio Japan, 1983 (click to enlarge)

Radio Netherlands, 1980 (click to enlarge)

HCJB, 1987 (click to enlarge)

Radio Moscow, 1987 (click to enlarge)

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