KVOH test broadcasts this weekend

KVOHCoverage-Map-VoiceOfHopeRay Robinson, Operations Manager at KVOH (Voice of Hope / Voz de Esperanza) writes:

[W]e would very much appreciate your reception reports (or preferably, recordings) of the tests we will be running on 9975 kHz on Friday and Saturday evenings this week. The exact times are:

  • Saturday 7th – 0100-0400 UTC
  • Sunday 8th  – 0100-0400 UTC

In North and Central America, that would be this Friday and Saturday evenings, 8-11pm Central, 9pm-12am Eastern. The test program will be similar to last time, but not exactly the same. It will contain segments in both English and Spanish.

The transmitter site is near Los Angeles, and here it is currently getting dark at about 0230 UTC (7:30pm local). Therefore, during the first half of these tests, the transmission path will be increasingly in darkness, and for the last 90 minutes or so will be in complete darkness. Please let us know what reception sounds like at your location as the evening progresses, and also what type of receiver and antenna you are using.

Reception reports may be emailed to “QSL@kvoh.net” or sent to:

KVOH – Voice of Hope
P.O.Box 102
Los Angeles, CA 90078
United States of America

All correct reports will be verified with our QSL card.

Thank you very much in advance for your assistance with this test!

Spread the radio love

3 thoughts on “KVOH test broadcasts this weekend

  1. Steve Thomas

    KVOH, is really in Simi Valley, California. The transmitter is on Rocky Peak in Simi Valley, and studios next to the unemployment office in Simi Valley. Our local TV reporter Mark Christian, worked at KVOH for a few years. His dad is the famous Rodger Christian from KHJ.


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