(Source: Toshi Ohtake, Japan Short Wave Club, via Sean Gilbert)
RMRC Shortwave broadcasts in December 2014 about the EDXC’14 Conference
The Rhein-Main Radio Club ( RMRC ) of Frankfurt, Germany, plans to broadcast a one-hour program in English about the EDXC 2014 Conference held in September in Nice , France. There will be three separate transmissions:
There will be taped interviews with several well-known DXers who attended the meeting. Thank-you very much to Mr. Toshi Ohtake of the Japan ShortWave Club (JSWC) for taping and providing these interviews.
QSL-verification is <only> via the RMRC and either as electronic or as paper QSL. Reception reports to either:
info@RMRC.de or RMRC, Postfach 70 08 49, 60558 Frankfurt / Main, Germany. Return postage is not required.See also our web-page www.RMRC.de for details (“QSL-Info”).
Via Sitkunai, Lithuania:
Target Area / Frequency / UTC / DayJ/As / 11690 KHz / 2100 – 2200/ Sat 13 Dec
Via WRMI, Okeechobee, Fl, USA:
Target Area / Frequency / UTC / DayWNAm. / 7455 KHz / 0000 – 0100 / Mon 15 Dec
ENAm. / 5850 KHz / 0000 – 0100 / Mon 15 Dec
Car/LAm. / 5015 KHz / 0000 – 0100 / Mon 15 Dec
Eu / 15770 KHz / 2100 – 2200 / Mon 15 Dec
listening the emission by 5015
SINPO: 34333
In Bogotá – Colombia