I find the 4.5 aH 12V Bioenno LiFePo battery to be the perfect portable power source for my 12V radio gear.
Just a heads up that Bioenno Power is having a 2020 Thanksgiving sale and offering a 10% discount with the coupon code “THANKS”.
I’m a huge fan of Bioenno’s batteries and just pulled the trigger on yet another LiFePo battery. This time, a compact 3 aH battery. This will be more than enough battery to play QRP for hours without recharging.
Side note: I’m also working on a project for my parents converting their living room lamp into a DC LED lamp with battery backup. Their power outages seem to be so frequent as of late, I know they’ll appreciate a lamp that will work regardless if the power grid is up or not. I’ve already purchased a 12V LED Edison-style bulb and now will pair it with a 4.5 aH Bioenno battery.
Thanks for putting me on to Red Oxx. They are really nice bags. 73s, KJ4MFW
The pleasure is all mine. I love that company and their fine work.
Thomas, You should also make a lava lamp for your folks. It will remind them of their carefree hippie days… at least, that’s what my lava lamp does for me. ?
Ha ha! Only thing is those were never all that great to provide light. Ambience yes! Light, not so much. 🙂