Calling all radio enthusiasts, calling all radio enthusiasts

FastRadioBurst 23 letting you know of a forthcoming project from DJ Frederick called The Radio Enthusiast e-APA. It looks very interesting and will cover subjects we all love radio-wise! As the flyer above states the main purpose of the project is “for fun, to connect with other radio enthusiasts, to share information & creativity.” It’ll be available via email and a print edition and also a possible audio program. It will go out three times a year: Spring, Summer and Autumn starting Summer 2024. So please send you submissions to: [email protected] Send anywhere from 1 to 10 pages per mailing by email (Word docs) please!

Spread the radio love

7 thoughts on “Calling all radio enthusiasts, calling all radio enthusiasts

  1. Julian

    Looks interesting

    As asked above, what’s an ‘e-APA’?
    I found 2 definitions online
    1. American Psychological Association
    2. Web based Adaptive Physical Activity
    Neither seems likely to be the intended meaning

    1. Frederick Moe

      An APA is an amateur press association which involved writing and publishing for the enjoyment of doing it – amateur in the sense that cash isn’t involved (unless small amounts for postage or stamps). An e-APA is an APA that is distributed electronically.

    1. Frederick Moe

      An APA is an amateur press association which involved writing and publishing for the enjoyment of doing it – amateur in the sense that cash isn’t involved (unless small amounts for postage or stamps). An e-APA is an APA that is distributed electronically.


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