Join Us: Become a Contributor for the SWLing Post!

The SWLing Post has been online since 2008, and over the years, I’ve seen our readership grow into a vibrant, international community of radio enthusiasts who support each other.

From the beginning, my goal for the SWLing Post has never been to focus on me, but rather to highlight the diverse ways people enjoy radio and to share news about international broadcasting. To achieve this, I’ve invited select individuals to contribute as guest writers and provided them with accounts to post their own content.

As our community has expanded, I want to open the door even wider and invite more of you to contribute directly to the SWLing Post. This will help alleviate the bottleneck of getting timely information out, especially as I am currently in one of the busiest stages of my life.

If you’re interested in receiving a volunteer contributor account, which will allow you to create and submit posts for approval and publication by me or one of our editors, please contact me via email or leave a comment on this post.

To qualify for a contributor account, please note the following requirements:

Community Involvement: We prefer to see that you’ve been an active, long-standing member of our community by commenting on posts. If you’re new to us, we will first need to review and post your contributions before granting you an account. This is due to the high volume of spam guest post requests we receive—often dozens each week.

Comfort with WordPress: You should be comfortable creating posts in WordPress, the platform we use for the SWLing Post. Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to train individuals on WordPress, but numerous tutorials are available since it’s the most popular blogging platform in the world.

We are looking for original content that reflects the genuine spirit and kindness of our community. Our goal is to ensure that contributions are not only informative and engaging but also embody the warmth and enthusiasm that characterize our shared love for radio. As long as your content is respectful, informative, and true to the spirit of radio enjoyment, it will align with our standards and be a valuable addition to the SWLing Post.

If you’re interested, please comment on this post or email me directly, and I will get back to you via email.

Thank you!

Thomas Witherspoon (K4SWL)

Spread the radio love

3 thoughts on “Join Us: Become a Contributor for the SWLing Post!

  1. Justin Patrick Moore

    Thomas, I haven’t commented much in recent years, but I still do stop by often, and I just wanted to thank you for all you have done in building this community over the years. Wishing you the best, and hopefully a bevvy of new recruits to keep this place the comfortable radio oasis it has become.

  2. Barefoot Mike

    Hi Thomas,
    I’d be interested in writing the occasional article or equipment review in the areas of SWL, ham radio, and internet radio. I’m quite familiar with WordPress as I use it for my own personal (but unrelated to radio) blog.
    de KD7TKQ Mike

  3. Jerome van der Linden

    Hello Thomas,
    Thank you very much for this invitation. I am open to the idea but would need to have a better idea of what time commitment you expect of me, or I suppose the frequency or volume of contributions you would be looking for.
    Let’s say that I am interested while I consider whether my WordPress knowledge is adequate.
    Many thanks


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