Tag Archives: Pete Polanyk

Aircheck cassette leads to lost album with heavy shortwave influence

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor Pete Polanyk, who shares the following story that all started with a recording he submitted to the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive:

Remember I sent you that clip of Radio Canada (that went up on the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive) that was on the other side of a punk tape? Well I digitised and sold it on eBay. The tape featured a live gig of the band ATV (Mark Perry was the lead singer and main ideas person). A few days later I received an email from the buyer–a nice chap called Phillipe in France–who’s a big ATV fan.

“Just listened to the ATV one… I wonder, have you the faintest idea what the B-side is? It sounds like radio recordings, but on repeated listening sounds like some kind of noisy pieces or experimentation, which reminds me of similar ‘shortwave’ experiments done by ATV at the time of the second album. Do you know if this was somehow linked to the band?”

I replied saying it was a recording by me off the shortwave from the early 1980’s sadly, not the band, he wrote back:

“So, I guess playing with shortwave must have been something in the air back then?!
The funny thing is that there is a very similar track from a ‘lost ATV album’ entitled The End Of Flight 182 from late ‘78.

Audio Player

It’s actually more Dave George (later of The Good Missionaries) than ATV but still Mark Perry contributed a bit to the recordings; and one of its tracks was released somewhere else as ATV. Anyway… the album features a ‘Shortwave’ track (entitled as such) by Dave George, and I’ve have included it here (I’ve attached the track he sent us.) Can you hear how it sounds similar to yours? The track/experimentation may also been what led ATV to write ‘The Radio Story’, but that’s just a personal assumption. Mark and George were definitely in touch back in those days since Mark contributed a bit to his album which was was recorded a few months before Dave joined ATV (which then soon became The Good Missionaries). Sadly Dave George passed a few years ago, so we won’t know much more about the album and the track.”


I wrote back and told him that I will probably send it to you as you’ll be well interested in the story. This is his last reply:

“Yeah, it could be nice and interesting Thomas’ mentions it on his site. To avoid any confusion here’re a few more details: the ‘Shortwave’ track is only Dave George, and was recorded a few months before Dave joined ATV (which then soon became The Good Missionaries), so technically it’s not ATV. But he was definitely in touch with Mark Perry back in those days since Mark contributed a bit to the album as I said; hence Thomas could also publish a youtube link to The Radio Story as well. Sadly Dave George passed a few years ago, so we won’t know much more about the album and the track.”

So that was the story! What a mad coincidence eh?

A mad coincidence indeed! Thank you for sharing the story, Pete. I love where art and shortwave meet and especially in moments of serendipity like this! Now to explore more Dave and ATV…

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Free Radio Skybird: Sunday November 22nd and December 6th, 2020

(Source: Pete Madtone)

The final Free Radio Skybird programme of this year (bar the repeat two weeks later) is on Sunday November 22nd at 1200 UTC on 6070 kHz via Channel 292.

It features DJ FrederickJustin Patrick Moore with The Radiophonic Laboratory and Weed’s own One Deck Pete with “Tunes to cheer you up.” Tune in!  #shortwavesnotdead #freeradioskybird

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Free Radio Skybird: Sunday October 25th and November 1, 2020

(Source: Pete Madtone)

DJ Frederick‘s Free Radio Skybird is back on the 49 Metre shortwave band again this Sunday October 25th (and repeated the week after) as part of the station’s tenth anniversary. The broadcast goes out at 1200 UTC on 6070 kHz via Channel 292. Expect the usual mixture of stuff with DJ FrederickThe Radiophonic Laboratory and Weed’s own One Deck Pete. Tune in! #shortwavesnotdead #freeradioskybird

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Pete rediscovers the 1984 Channel 4 Film “C.Q.”

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor,  Pete Madtone, who writes:

I was coming home from my tai chi class in the local park yesterday and remembered this play that I watched a long time ago. Please tell me you don’t know it!

[In] the credits at the end it has another radio connection: the UK reggae DJ (BBC) David Rodigan. Great eh?

“Life changes dramatically for radio amateur Norman when he gets in touch with a round-the-world yachtsman who introduces him to a different life – and a taste of fame.”

Thanks, Pete! I was not at all familiar with this TV Movie, but I absolutely love the nostalgia factor!

Post readers: Anyone familiar with “C.Q.”–? Do you remember watching it when it was first broadcast in 1984? Please comment!


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Free Radio Skybird: Septeber 27 & October 4, 2020

(Source: Pete Madtone)

Some news about the next transmission of DJ Frederick’s Free Radio Skybird on Sunday 27th September at 1100 UTC (12 Noon UK time) on 6070 kHz shortwave via Channel 292 (and repeated the week after.) Next week’s show features DJ FrederickJustin Patrick Moore’s Radiophonic Laboratory and Shane Quentin with more of that Radio Reflexology and our very own One Deck Pete with “Tunes to cheer you up” series. 49 metres on a Sunday afternoon is once again where it’s all at! If you haven’t got a suitable radio it can also be heard on the SDR link on their site here.Also on Sunday 27th September 2020 (and repeated the week after) at 1800 UTC (7pm UK time) on 3955 kHz via Channel 292 is the final transmission of Radio Lavalamp for a while. The ultimate programme of the year will feature One Deck Pete with his The Purple Nucleus of Creation 003 mix. Tune in to “Your ethereal shortwave music station” on 3955 kHz or using this link here when the time is right! #Freeradioskybird #Radiolavalamp #shortwavesnotdead #Funwithashortwaveradio

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