Tag Archives: Soccer

Shortwave Radio Recordings: UNID 12,365 kHz USB

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Yesterday, I posted a note about an unidentified station who was broadcasting the Chile v Mexico football game on 12,365 kHz USB. Several readers sent messages with reception reports, most of which indicated a signal strength of less than S5.

Several of us speculate that this could be a relay from a South American (perhaps Chilean?) shipping service for their fleet in the Pacific; hence the weak signal reports in North America. SWLing Post reader, @K7al_L3afta, suspects that it could even be an audio feed for a radio station.

We may never know, but it’ll be fun to listen for future broadcasts.

I recorded almost four hours of the station last night, starting around 22:00 UTC –during the Ecuador v Bolivia game–on my Elad FDM-S2 software defined receiver (see screen grab above). Below, I’ve embedded a 30 minute clip from the Chile v Mexico game, starting at approximately 23:45 UTC.

The FDM-S2 was hooked up to my large horizontal delta loop wire antenna.  The signal was certainly very much buried in the static at time. I could have improved the clarity of the signal by using the FDM-S2’s built in DSP noise reduction, but opted to keep the USB audio unaltered to better represent reception.

Click here to download this audio clip as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

Audio Player
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Football games relayed on 12,356 kHz

Fullscreen capture 6162015 122135 AMMany thanks to David Goren, who has apprised me of a (utility?) broadcaster who relaying Spanish language football matches on 12,365 kHz in the upper sideband. According to a message on the DXLD Yahoo group, someone has been relaying games on this frequency with some consistency.

As I type this, I’m listening to Chile v Mexico, though it’s a very faint signal here in eastern North America. The Elad FDM-S2 is doing a good job of pulling the signal out of the static, though. I have no clue where this broadcast originates.

Please comment if you’re able to log this station where you live, or you have further details about the relay.

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BBC World Service: Portugal vs. Ghana

WorldCupBall-001Earlier today, I tuned to the BBC World Service on 17,830 kHz at 16:00 UTC, hoping they would be covering the USA vs. Germany game of the FIFA World Cup. I was pleased to hear World Cup coverage the moment I tuned in–but was a little disappointed that BBC had selected the Ghana vs. Portugal game.  Still, I can’t complain; this BBC service is, after all, intended for Africa. And a lot was at stake for Ghana…

So, I listened to the BBC coverage of that game while watching the USA vs Germany game stream over ESPN. I also watched a little of the Portugal/Ghana game, and realized I had an advantage over others streaming the game because the shortwave coverage from the BBC was almost 5 seconds ahead of the live stream. That’s the power of shortwave: goals at the speed of light!

For your listening pleasure, here is the full recording I made from the BBC World Service today. Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

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