Tag Archives: Voice of Greece

Shortwave Radio Recordings: Voice of Greece music

For your listening pleasure: over three hours of music, and a little Greek commentary, from the Voice of Greece. Recorded on  November 26th, on 9.42 MHz.

In the last half of the recording, after an adjacent station went off the air, the audio fidelity is simply amazing–especially for a station over 5000 miles from my receiver.

Click here to download the MP3 of the recording, or listen below:

Need more Voice of Greece music in your day? Click here for more.

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Shortwave Radio Recordings: Voice of Greece and hours of music

This past Friday and Saturday evenings I had an opportunity to record several hours of music from the Voice of Greece. I am continually amazed with the audio fidelity from a station that is well over 5,000 miles away.

You can listen to the recordings below or download the mp3 files on Archive.org (who graciously hosts and archives all of our radio recordings).

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Shortwave Radio Recordings: Voice of Greece, Voice of Turkey and Radio Croatia

For your listening enjoyment:  Voice of Greece (9,420 kHz), Radio Croatia (9,925 kHz) and Voice of Turkey (9,830 kHz). The Voice of Greece, in particular, broadcasts an extensive mix of music. These stations were recorded simultaneously, Saturday August 25th, 2012.

In total, there are more than 8 hours of shortwave radio recordings in this set–enough to make it through your work day:

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Shortwave Radio Recordings: Voice of Greece, Radio Croatia and Radio Romania International

For your listening enjoyment:  Voice of Greece (9,420 kHz), Radio Croatia (9,925 kHz) and Radio Romania International (9,700 kHz). The Voice of Greece and Radio Croatia  broadcast an extensive mix of music; while Radio Romania International offers their English and French hours.

I recorded these broadcasts simultaneously via my WinRadio Excalibur, yesterday at 00:00 UTC.

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Voice of Greece plays music format during strike

On Monday, May 28, I recorded over 2 hours of popular Greek music programming from the Voice of Greece on 9,420 kHz with a Microtelecom Perseus. Propagation was excellent.

UPDATE: Once again, SWLing Post reader, Christos, provided more info on the strike and recording below:

This time only the journalists had gone on strike. So, no news were broadcasted, no newspapers, no news in internet portals. Announcements between songs concerned the artists and cultural events of the same day, such as theatre, movies, concerts etc. The programme recorded from 42nd minute till 99th was from ERT’s archive introducing contemporary songs. The announcements of this part were about the songs, the singers and the composers. The programme recorded from 100thminute and on contained songs of 60ties, 50ties and older. Music programmes’ producers made no comments about the strike of their colleagues.

Thanks, Christos!!!


You can listen via the player below, or simply download the MP3 by clicking here.

Click here to check out previous Voice of Greece recordings.

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2+ Hours of Voice of Greece Jazz

If you need a little jazz music in your life today, you’re in luck. Saturday, I recorded over 2 hours of jazz programming from Voice of Greece (see update below) on 9,420 kHz starting around 20:00 UTC on a Microtelecom Perseus. Propagation was good, and other than an occasional static crash, fidelity excellent for the SW bands.

You can listen via the player below, or simply download the MP3 by clicking here.

UPDATE: Once again, this long stretch of music with VOG was due to a strike. SWLing Post reader, Christos, comments below:

Another strike-day of ERT, so another non-stop recording for you. On Saturday they played jazz and on Sunday they continued with Greek music. Doing an exception this time, because of the coming general elections on 6th of May, they provided short news bulletins every hour, along with the usual announcements “we are on strike for our rights”. I enjoyed the same program from local FM. It was the only program transmitted from all national networks in both FM and medium waves. I visited the ERT Radio House, (Radiomegaron), the day before your recording was made, to attend a concert and I took a photo of a banner of VOG, in Greek.

Christos kindly sent me the following ERT image with the Voice of Greece in Greek:

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