Regarding the new DSP version of the Degen DE1103, SWLing Post contributor, Andi_84, writes:
I’ve opened [my Degen DE1103] and checked the semiconductors inside.
It’s definitely based on a Silicon Labs chip (Si4735-D60).
1) Display PCB
Datasheet: Main PCB
a) Silicon Labs Si4735-D60 “AM/FM/SW/LW Radio Receiver IC”:
-> Chip is even capable of RDS, but it’s unfortunately not implemented in the DE1103
And, FM range covers down to 64MHz, while the DE1103 goes only down to 76MHz
Datasheet: ST Micro STM8L152C6T6 “Ultra-low-power 8-bit MCU with 32 Kbytes Flash, 16 MHz CPU, integrated EEPROM”
Datasheet: China Hua Jing Electronics CD1622CB “110mw X 2 Dual-channel audio power amplifier”
-> Looks like a “chinese version” of the Sony CXA1622M
Datasheet: LM358 “Low-Power, Dual-Operational Amplifiers”
The following photos are courtesy of Andi_84. Please click the image to enlarge.
External and unboxing

Internal and circuit board
Many thanks, Andi! These photos are excellent and certainly give us more insight into the new Degen DE1103 design.
I’m very curious how this new DE1103 compares with other DSP portables on the market.
I take a jaundiced eye towards these DSP boxes. I have an old Radioshack DX330 and had a ESD event that popped the antenna input FET. Fortunately I was able to replace it with another JFET. If something like that happened to this 1003, could it be repaired by anyone other than the manufacturer. Even if you were lucky to find a DSP chip, where would you get the code to program the replacement? My feeling this radio would turn into a piece of e-waste in that situation.
In the case of the DE1103, replacing the DSP chip (the Si4735-D60) would be possible. The chip is available from various distributors and already contains the required firmware.
(Ok, you’d need the appropriate equipment to solder / unsolder a QFN chip).
I tend to keep my stuff for a very long time, so if I were to get this I probably may need to get a critical component spares kit to go into the strategic stock pile. Still have my old RadioShack Realtone 4 bander that I bought in the 1960’s with my paper route money. Even have the schematic. What gets me is why they (Degen) don’t have a schematic or a service manual. That could be a selling point. When I bought my Fridge and Washer I handed the salesman a USB thumb drive to put the service manual on. The ones who couldn’t/wouldn’t didn’t get the sale.
An RS Realtone 4 bander? We must see some photos! Those are so much easier to repair when something goes wrong. It is true that most consumer electronics these days not only don’t ship with a schematic, but were never designed for repair.
Gotta love planned obsolescence.
Hi,an information
In this new degen 1103 in digital mode with the DSP,Can I change o insert the ceramic filters of 110-80 Khz for the FM band?
Because with these filters improve the sensibility and the selettivity of this radio in the FM band,because I listen only the FM in the summer months for catch the radio stations in FM band in Es and in tropo propgation possible only with the insert of these ceramic filters into the Degen 1103?I don’t know how is with the DSP if is equal
No, as the DSP-based version of the DE1103 has no ceramic IF filters at all, you can not change them.
The IF bandwidth is controlled within the DSP.
Nice photos! I have a lot in common, I do more than “pop the hood” of a brand new radio that I just purchased. Is there any chance you have the schematics?
Unfortunately, I do not have any schematics of the new DE1103.
Maybe I’ll try to draw them by analyzing the PCB traces and component values – if I find time for that.
Se for para saber se o seu Degen 1103 ja esta com chip Silicon Labs (Si4735-D60) verifica a faixa FM 76,00MHz não se vai até 64MHz ja esta com o chip Silicon Labs (Si4735-D60)
J.Carlos pu2olt
J.Carlos pu2olt
Can you comment on the new DE1103 sound quality?. Old DE1003 sound was a bit lousy…
É mesmo uma comparação ,estou para comprar um no Ebay mas só vejo com DSP .
Ja vi e li comentários que não ficou bom com este CI DSP .
Precisa alguem comparar o Degen 1103 com DSP e sem DSP para ver qual o melhor .
Bom ja aprendi que os Degen 1103 que a faixa FM inicia em 76,00MHz é sem o CI chip
Silicon Labs ( Si4735-D60 )
Quantos os Degen1103 que a faixa de FM inicia em 64MHz ja esta com o CI chip
chip Silicon Labs ( Si4735-D60 )
Que ano será que os radios Degen 1103 começou sair com este chip Silicon Labs ( Si4735-D60 )
alguem sabe ?
J.Carlos pu2olt
Thanks for publishing my research results and photos.
I originally posted them on the German “Radioforum”, link for reference:,1332643
I didn’t realize that. Thanks so much for sharing, Andi!
We need a comparison of the new DSP version with the ORIGINAL version!
É mesmo uma comparação ,estou para comprar um no Ebay mas só vejo com DSP .
Ja vi e li comentários que não ficou bom com este CI DSP .
Precisa alguem comparar o Degen 1103 com DSP e sem DSP para ver qual o melhor .
Bom ja aprendi que os Degen 1103 que a faixa FM inicia em 76,00MHz é sem o CI chip
Silicon Labs ( Si4735-D60 )
Quantos os Degen1103 que a faixa de FM inicia em 64MHz ja esta com o CI chip
chip Silicon Labs ( Si4735-D60 )
Que ano será que os radios Degen 1103 começou sair com este chip Silicon Labs ( Si4735-D60 )
alguem sabe ?
J.Carlos pu2olt