Around the world, around the world

FastRadioBurst 23 here letting you know of our shortwave outings this week. On Sunday 19th May 2024 at 0900/1300 hrs UTC on 6160 kHz and then at 2000 UTC on 6160 kHz and 3975 kHz  we bring you Skybird Radio International which is beamed to Europe via Shortwave Gold. Expect all sorts of sounds from this world of ours.

Our second show is the WRMI edition later in the week on our new day of  Wednesday 22nd May 2024 at 0200 UTC on 9395 kHz. It’s a completely different show of global musicality! Take a musical trip without a passport twice this week around this round thing we know as Earth.

For more information on all our shows please email [email protected] and check out our Mixcloud page here.

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